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Help!!!!!! Who help me No converter found for the return value of the type


Domain layer
Package com. Laboratory. Domain;

The import lombok. AllArgsConstructor;
The import lombok. Data;
The import lombok. NoArgsConstructor;

/* @ Data */
/* @ AllArgsConstructor */
@ NoArgsConstructor
Public class Achievement {
private Integer id;
private String title;
Private String text;

Public Achievement (Integer id, String title, String text) {
Enclosing the title=the title;
This. The text=text;

Public Integer getId () {
return id;

Public void setId (Integer id) {

Public String getTitle () {
Return the title;

Public void setTitle (String title) {
Enclosing the title=the title;

Public String getText () {
Return the text;

Public void setText (String text) {
This. The text=text;

@ Override
Public String toString () {
Return "Achievement {+"
"Id=" + id +
"Title=" "+ title + '\' '+
='" + ", the text text +' \ ' '+
'} ';

The controller layer
Package com. Laboratory. The controller;

The import com. Laboratory. Domain. Achievement;
The import com. Laboratory. Service. AchievementService;
The import com. Laboratory. Utils. ResponseMessage;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
The import org. Springframework. Web. Bind. The annotation. RestController;

Import the Java. Util. List;

@ RestController
@ RequestMapping ("/laboratory/Achievement ")
Public class AchievementController {

The @autowired
Private AchievementService AchievementService;

@ RequestMapping ("/getAllAchievement ")
Public ResponseMessage GetAllAchievement () {
List Allachievement=achievementService. GetAllAchievement ();
ResponseMessage ResponseMessage=new ResponseMessage (a);
ResponseMessage. SetCode (1000);
ResponseMessage. SetMsg (" success ");
ResponseMessage. SetData (allachievement);
Return the responseMessage;
Package com. Laboratory. Utils;

Public class ResponseMessage {
Private Integer code;
Private T data;
private String msg;

Public ResponseMessage () {

Public ResponseMessage (Integer code, T data, String MSG) {
This. Code=code;

Public Integer getCode () {
return code;

Public void setCode (Integer code) {

Public T getData () {
return data;

Public void setData (T data) {
This data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/data;

Public String getMsg () {
return msg;

Public void setMsg (String MSG) {
This. MSG=MSG;

CodePudding user response:


CodePudding user response:

Achievement this class to implement serializable interface:
Achievement implements Serializable

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor KeepSayingNo response:
Achievement this class to implement serializable interface:
Achievement implements Serializable
directly and implements the Serializable line
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