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The elder brother elder sister, I would like to know how to transfer MainActivityView MainActivity d


How to pass another MainActivityView data
Thanks brother elder sister

Public class MainActivity extends the Activity {

Final static int CANSHU=1;

Public Handler mHandler=new Handler () {
Public void handleMessage (Message MSG) {
The switch (MSG. What) {
Case CANSHU: strings str1=MSG. GetData (). Get String (" text1 ");//accept MSG passed the parameters of the
String str2=MSG. GetData (). Get String (" text2 ");//accept MSG passed the parameters of the
InitFinishMainActivity (str1, str2);
Default: break;

@ Override
Public void onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Super. OnCreate (savedInstanceState);
InitMainActivity ();

Public void InitMainActivity ()
The setContentView (new MainActivityView (this, this));

Public void initFinishMainActivity (String str1, String str2)
Toast. MakeText (MainActivity. This, str1 + str2, Toast. LENGTH_LONG), show ();
Finish ();

Public class MainActivityView extends the View {

Private MainActivity activity;
Private Context Context;
Private Bitmap m_Bitmap;

Public MainActivityView (Context Context, MainActivity activity) {
Super (context);
Enclosing the activity=activity;
Enclosing context=context;
InitBitmap ();

Public void initBitmap ()
M_Bitmap=BitmapFactory. DecodeResource (enclosing getResources (), R.d. Rawable ic_launcher);

@ Override
Public void ontouch (Canvas, Canvas) {
Canvas. DrawBitmap (m_Bitmap, 0, 0, null);


@ Override
Public Boolean onTouchEvent (MotionEvent event) {
Int x=(int) event. GetX ();
Int y=(int) event. GetY ();
The Rect the Rect.
The rect=new the rect (0,0,320,480);

If (the rect. The contains (x, y))
The Message MSG=new Message ();
MSG. What=MainActivity. CANSHU;
Bundle Bundle=new Bundle ();
Bundle. PutString (" text1 ", "examples of message passing parameters of daming!" );//to store data in Bundle
Bundle. PutString (" text2 ", "Time: 2011-09-05");//to put data in Bundle
MSG. SetData (bundle);//mes transfer data using Bundle
Activity. The mHandler. SendMessage (MSG);//the activity of the handler sends the message


Return super. OnTouchEvent (event);


CodePudding user response:

This interface do good

CodePudding user response:

The Message MSG=new Message ();
MSG. What=MainActivity. CANSHU;

MSG. I use another sign, and then switch case processing in handleMessage

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor DemonMU response:
Message MSG=new Message ();
MSG. What=MainActivity. CANSHU;

MSG. I use another sign, and then switch case processing in handleMessage

Not ah, my brother
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