1, to confirm whether the HTML file specified coding format for utf-8, similar to & lt; Meta HTTP - equiv="content-type" Content="text/HTML. Charset=utf-8 "/& gt;
2. Verify that the file encoding to utf-8, eclipse, right click on files - & gt; The Properties - & gt; The Text file encoding check coding format;
After confirm the above two no problem, try to do the following:
1, if it's in eclipse to start the service, then double-click the Servers in the Tomcat8.5 - & gt; General Information - & gt; Open the launch configuration - & gt; Common - & gt; Utf-8 Encoding choose - & gt; Click OK and then restart the services;
2, if it is deployed to the Tomcat8.5, under the bin directory of the Tomcat, to catalina. Bat file setlocal line feed after increasing the following configuration
set "JAVA_OPTS=- Xms512m - Xms1024m - XX: MaxPermSize=1024 m - Dfile encoding=utf-8"
Save after restart the service, the JVM Settings according to the actual situation to value;
CodePudding user response:
1 and 2 have no relation, the browser has a browser display code, Eclipse Eclipse display code, two is this place