Home > Back-end >  Simple login box, by using the swing, with part of connecting to the database and check the login co
Simple login box, by using the swing, with part of connecting to the database and check the login co


Package UI;

The import DBConnect. Student_DBC;
import java.awt.Color;
Import the Java. The awt. FlowLayout;

The import javax.mail. Swing. Icon;//framework underlying picture insert
The import javax.mail. Swing. ImageIcon; Within the framework of//container insert images and component a plane

Import the Java. The awt. The Font;

Import the Java. The awt. Dimension;//encapsulates a component the height and width of the
Import the Java. The awt. FlowLayout;

Import the Java. Text. SimpleDateFormat;//time
Import the Java. Util. Date;
The import javax.mail. Swing. The Timer;

The import javax.mail. Swing. JFrame;
The import javax.mail. Swing. JPanel;

The import javax.mail. Swing. JLabel;
The import javax.mail. Swing. JTextField;
The import javax.mail. Swing. JPasswordField;

The import javax.mail. Swing. JButton;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

Public class Login extends JFrame {

JFrame frame;
JPanel panel;
JLabel label1, label2, label3, label4;
JTextField textfield.
JPasswordField pf.
JButton for button2, button3;
//the Panel bottom pictures inserted
Private Icon p=new ImageIcon (" E: \ \ (2020-2021) (after) Sophomore \ \ JAVA Project \ \ ExMgSt_NIIT1_GN4 \ \ SRC \ \ IMG_1 \ \ \ \ 13 of science and technology. The JPG ");

The Login ()
The panel=new JPanel ();
Panel. SetSize (2000, 1500);
The panel. SetLayout (null);//new FlowLayout (FlowLayout CENTER)
Add (panel);

Label3=new JLabel (p);//the Panel bottom pictures inserted
Label3. SetBounds (0, 0, 1000, 900);
Label3. SetIcon (p);

ImageIcon I=new ImageIcon (" E://(2020-2021) (after) Sophomore//JAVA Project//ExMgSt_NIIT1_GN4//SRC//IMG_1//technology//14. JPG ");
Label4=new JLabel (I);
Label4. SetBounds (700, 0, 300, 280);
A panel. The add (label4);

Label1=new JLabel (" Login ID ");
Label1. SetBounds (40, 250, 300, 60).
A panel. The add (label1);
The Font of f1=new Font (" Courier ", the Font BOLD, 30);
Label1. SetFont (f1);

Textfield=new JTextField ();
Textfield. SetBounds (200, 250, 400, 60).
The Font f6=new Font (" Courier ", the Font, BOLD, 18);
Textfield. SetFont (f6);
A panel. The add (textfield);

Label2=new JLabel (" PassWord ");
Label2. SetBounds (40, 350, 300, 60).
A panel. The add (label2);
The Font f2=new Font (" Courier ", the Font, BOLD, 30);
Label2. SetFont (f2);

Pf=new JPasswordField ();
Pf. SetBounds (200, 350, 400, 60).
The Font f7=new Font (" Courier ", the Font, BOLD, 18);
Pf. SetFont (f7);
A panel. The add (pf);

For the=new JButton (" Login ");
For the setBounds (200, 450, 400, 50);
For the addActionListener (
New ActionListener ()
@ Override
Public void actionPerformed (an ActionEvent e) {
The String u=textfield. GetText ();
String p=pf the getText ();

//database connection
Student_DBC sd=new Student_DBC ();

Boolean ch=sd. Check (u, p);
If (u.e quals (" leader ") & amp; & P.e quals (" leader @ nxu "))
JOptionPane. ShowMessageDialog (null, "Login Success To the Admin Page!" );
//Display the Admin Page
The Admin AD=new Admin ();
Else if (u.e quals (" ") & amp; & P.e quals (" "))
JOptionPane. ShowMessageDialog (null, "Login Success!" );
//Display Student Page
Student_SP ss=new Student_SP ();
Else if (ch=false)
JOptionPane. ShowMessageDialog (null, "the Login Fails! "+ u);
The else
JOptionPane. ShowMessageDialog (null, "No account, both please go to register!" );

A panel. The add (for);
The Font f3=new Font (" Courier ", the Font, BOLD, 30);
For the setFont (f3);

Button2=new JButton (" Student Registration ");
Button2. SetBounds (200, 530, 400, 50);
Button2. AddActionListener (
New ActionListener ()
@ Override
Public void actionPerformed (an ActionEvent e)
StudentRegister sr=new StudentRegister ();
The dispose ();
A panel. The add (button2);
The Font f4=new Font (" Courier ", the Font, BOLD, 30);
Button2. SetFont (f4);

Button3=new JButton (" Exit ");
Button3. SetBounds (200, 620, 400, 50);
Button3. SetBackground (Color. White);//background color button
Button3. SetForeground (Color. Orange);//button font color in
Button3. AddActionListener (new ActionListener () {
@ Override
Public void actionPerformed (an ActionEvent e) {
WelcomePage inf=new WelcomePage ();
The dispose ();
A panel. The add (button3);
The Font f5=new Font (" Courier ", the Font, BOLD, 30);
Button3. SetFont (f5);

SetTitle (" Login Page ");
SetSize (1000, 900);
//setLayout (new FlowLayout (FlowLayout. CENTER));
SetDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame. EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
SetVisible (true);
A panel. The add (label3);


Public static void main (String [] args) {

The Login l=new Login ();

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