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Springboot - Thymeleaf syntax


ERROR: the 2020-07-22 23:24:19. ERROR 447-7296 [nio - 8080 - exec - 8] org. Thymeleaf. TemplateEngine: thymeleaf Exception processing template "front/cart" : Exception evaluating SpringEL expression: "item. Num" (the template: "front/cart" - the line 101, col 44)

Org. Thymeleaf. Exceptions. TemplateProcessingException: Exception evaluating SpringEL expression: "item. Num" (the template: "front/cart" - the line 101, col 44)

The serial number & lt;/th>
Name of commodity & lt;/th>
Commodity images & lt;/th>
Quantity & lt;/th>
Commodity price & lt;/th>
Operation & lt;/th>

[[${i.i ndex + 1}]]

[[${item. Value. Price}]]

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