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A will hang the lives of those who won't solve the may also be a silly question, my class set, can't read the file,
Struct paper
Int opus.
Char sort [30].
Char book [20].
Char writer [20].
Char press [30].
Int number;
float price;
} STD [15].
Int Diaoyon;
Void menu ()
Printf (" simple books management system management system | | \ n ");
Printf (" | 1: display all | \ n ");
Printf (" click the title queries | | 2: \ n ");
Printf (" | 3: according to the author queries | \ n ");
Printf (" | 4: according to the author sorted | \ n ");
Printf (" sort | | 5: according to the title \ n ");
Add records to the printf (" | 6: | \ n ");
Printf (" | | 7: modify information \ n ");
Printf (" | | 8: price \ n ");
Printf (" view | 9: | \ n ");
Printf (" | | 0: ended \ n ");
Int XSQB ()
int i;
Struct paper STD [15].
Printf (" \ n number classification title author press quantity the unit price ");
for (i=0; i Printf (" % d % d % s % s % s % s % 0.2 f ", STD [I] opus, STD [I] sort [30], STD [I] the book [20], STD [I] writer [20], STD [I]. Press [30], STD [I] number, STD [I] price);
return 0;
Int asmcx ()
Char book [20]="";
Int ibooks=0, I;
Int G;
Printf (" please input the title: ");
The scanf (" % s ", the book);
for (i=0; i {
if (! STRCMP (book, STD [I]. Book))
Printf (" % d % d % s % s % s % s % 0.2 f ", STD [I] opus, STD [I] sort, STD [I]. Book, STD [I] writer, STD [I] press, STD [I] number, STD [I] price);

if (! Ibooks)
Printf (" \ n no match is found books ");
Printf (" \ n 33 continue to enter search: \ n ");
Printf (" please input the title: ");
The scanf (" % d ", G);
If (G==33)
Goto Loop;

return 0;
Int azzcx ()
Char writer [20]="";
Int abook=0, I;
Int M;
Printf (" please enter the author's name: ");
The scanf (" % s ", the writer);
for (i=0; i {
if (! STRCMP (writer, STD [I]. Writer))
Printf (" % d % d % s % s % s % s % 0.2 f ", STD [I] opus, STD [I] sort, STD [I]. Book, STD [I] writer, STD [I] press, STD [I] number, STD [I] price);
if (! Abook)
Printf (" \ n no match is found books ");
Printf (" \ n input 00 continue to find: ");
Printf (" please enter the author's name: ");
The scanf (" % d ", M);
If (M==00)
Goto Loop;
return 0;
Int azzpx ()
Struct paper books [15].
Struct paper tem;
int i, j;
for (i=0; i Books [I]=STD [I];
For (I=1; i {
For (j=1; J & lt; Diaoyon -i; J++)
If (STRCMP (books [j]. Journal of writer, books [j + 1] a writer) & gt; 0)
Tem=books [j];
Books [j]=books [j + 1);
Books [j + 1)=tem;
Printf (" % d % s % s % d % 0.2 f "% s % s, books. [15] opus, books. [15] sort, books [15]. The book, books [15]. The writer, books [15]. The press, books [15]. The number of books. [15] price);
return 0;
Int asmpx ()
Struct paper Books [15].
Struct paper temp.
int i, j;
for (i=0; i Books [I]=STD [I];
For (I=1; i {
For (j=1; J & lt; Diaoyon -i; J++)
If (STRCMP (Books [j]. Journal of the book, Books [j + 1] book) & gt; 0)
Temp=Books [j];
Books [j]=Books [j + 1);
Books [j + 1)=temp;
Printf (" % d % s % s % d % 0.2 f "% s % s, Books. [15] opus, Books. [15] sort, Books [15]. The book, Books [15]. The writer, Books [15]. The press, Books [15]. The number of Books. [15] price);
return 0;
Int TJJL ()
Int I, a;
Float j;
Char ZXC [30].
Printf (" \ n please click format: number number title, the author classified the unit price, please input: \ n ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; A);
If (a & gt;=1 | | a & lt;=Diaoyon)
Printf (" repeated number, please enter a number 1 beyond the % d: ", Diaoyon);
Goto Loon.
The else
STD [a - 1] opus=a;
The scanf (" % s ", ZXC);
Strcpy (STD [a - 1]. Sort, ZXC);
The scanf (" % s ", ZXC);
Strcpy (STD [a - 1]. The book, ZXC);
The scanf (" % s ", ZXC);
Strcpy (STD [a - 1]. Writer, ZXC);
The scanf (" % s ", ZXC);
Strcpy (STD [a - 1]. Press, ZXC);
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; I);
STD [a - 1]. Number=I;
The scanf (" % 0.2 f ", & amp; J);
STD [a - 1]. Price=j;
Printf (" add success!" );
return 0;
Int XGXX ()
Int I, n;
Char WTR [20].
Float j;
Printf (" please enter the need to modify the book number: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; n);
If (n<1 | | n> Diaoyon)
Printf (" input errors, number between 1 and % d ", Diaoyon);
Goto Loot.
Required book for: printf (" % d % d % s % s % s % s % 0.2 f ", STD [n - 1]. Opus, STD [n - 1]. Sort, STD [n - 1]. The book, STD [n - 1]. The writer, STD [n - 1]. Press, STD [n - 1]. Number, STD [n - 1]. Price);
Printf (" change order: \ n classification title author press quantity the unit price ");
The scanf (" % s ", WTR);
Strcpy (STD [n - 1]. Sort, WTR);
The scanf (" % s ", WTR);
Strcpy (STD [n - 1]. The book, WTR); nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull