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Integrate SSM thymeleaf template engine problems of general page method method


Template page stored in the WEB - INF/thymeleaf, wrote a general template page method methods:

@ RequestMapping ("/html_ {page} ")
Public String toPage (@ PathVariable (" page ") String HTML)
Return HTML;

Other pages can be accessed through hyperlinks href="https://bbs.csdn.net/html_departadd" WEB - under the INF/thymeleaf departadd page
But if you want to access the WEB - INF/thymeleaf following directory page how to do?
Such as access to the WEB - INF/thymeleaf addAdmin under/admin page

/html_admin addAdmin this orthography, never entered the common methods, with return in conroller admin/addAdmin is can

For springMVc configuration:

Poking fun at once:
In question will be asked the question, is puzzling out, without any notice is not refund, really speechless!
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