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C language - inverse order elements, cycle a problem part, please help!!!!! Detailed instructions be


Problem (1) every time the input the correct elements such as a, after the if statement into will print the else statement in it, and I don't know what went wrong?
Look at the if condition I think logically ok?? Seeking guidance!!
(2) input illegal elements, such as ", "the cycle then becomes three times, then enter" ", circulation becomes twice,
I don't know why, the problem of other program is always met, what reason is this excuse me??
 # include & lt; stdio.h> 
Void inversion ();
Int main ()
Char a [100]={' 0 '};
char c;
Int I=0, length=0;
Printf (" \ nplease enter a letter (if want to exit, enter '/') : ");
The scanf (" % c ", & amp; C);
If (c>='a' & amp; & C<='z' | | c>='A' & amp; & C{
A [I]=c;
The else
Printf (" \ nError! Both please enter a 'letter'!" );

} while (c!='/' & amp; & i<100);

If (a [0]=='/')
Printf (" \ n input element, unable to reverse ");
Else if (a [1]=='/')
Printf (" \ n % c there is only one element, not reverse place ", a [0]).
The else
Inversion (a, length);
Printf (" element inverse to: \ n ");
for(i=0; iPrintf (" % c ", a [I]);

Void inversion (char [], int length)
Int p, q;
Char t;
P=0; Q=length - 1;
While (p{
T=a, [p].
A [p]=a, [q].
A [q]=t;
Q -;

The problem is (1) the screenshot

The problem is (2) the screenshot

Now this thank you!!!!!
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