# include & lt; Stdio. H>
# define N 10
Void reverse (int [p], int left, int right)//data reverse order
Int temp.
While (left & lt; Right)
Temp=p [left];
P=[left] p [right].
P [right]=temp;
Right -; Left++;
Void sort1 (int [p], int left, int right)//will be a set of is... The positive and negative... Negative transposition in order
int i=0;
The reverse (p, left, right);
While (p [i++] <{0); }
Reverse (p, left, I - 2);
The reverse (p, I - 1, right);
Void CompletelySort (int * p, int left, int right)//the whole array is negative in the former, a positive number in the back and don't change the order of the original array
Int I=0, j=0;
While (left & lt; Right& & J<=N)
While (p [left++] <{0); }
Left=left - 1;
While (p [j++] & gt; {0); }
Sort1 (p, left, j - 1);
The main ()
Int a []={1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10,7,22, - 78};
Int right=N;
for (int i=0; I & lt;=right; I++)
Printf (" % d ", a [I]);
CompletelySort (a, 0, right);
Puts (" \ n ");
For (int q=0; Q & lt;=right; Q++)
Printf (" % d ", a [q]);