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Dc_init_name ()

HANDLE USER_API dc_init_name (short port,
Int baud,
Const char * name

DLL development documents described above, I how should be stated in Delphi, beginners, I stated below, always unsuccessful
The function dc_init_name (Port: Shortint; Baud: integer; Icdevname: Pointer) : integer; Stdcall;//initialize serial port

Procedure TForm1. Button2Click (Sender: TObject);
Icdev: integer;
Testname: array [0.. 64] of char='abcd';
The begin
Icdev:=dc_init_name (100, 0, @ testname);
Showmessage (inttostr (icdev));

CodePudding user response:

The function dc_init_name (port: SmallInt, Baud: integer; Name: PAnsiChar) : THandle; Stdcall; External 'XXX. DLL';
How to define whether stdcall depends on USER_API

CodePudding user response:

Const char * name is don't know how to define the parameters, and don't know how to

CodePudding user response:

The function dc_init_name (port: SmallInt, Baud: integer; Const name: PAnsiChar) : THandle; Stdcall; External 'XXX. DLL';

CodePudding user response:

Thank the great god upstairs, do you have done IC development?
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