Home > Back-end >  GCC using VCL (LCL) https://github.com/ying32/liblcl
GCC using VCL (LCL) https://github.com/ying32/liblcl


The address of the project:

Familiar with the library cross-platform open source without copyright problems

C language called liblcl example
//main. C: this file contains the "main" function, the program will begin and end here, 

# include "liblcl. H"

# ifdef _WIN32
//UTF8 decoding
Char * UTF8Decode (char * STR) {
Int len=MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, STR, 1, 0, 0).
Would be * wCharBuffer=(*) would be malloc (len * sizeof (would) + 1);
MultiByteToWideChar (CP_UTF8, 0, STR, 1, wCharBuffer, len);

Len=WideCharToMultiByte (wCharBuffer CP_ACP, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
Char * aCharBuffer=(char *) malloc (len * sizeof (char) + 1);
WideCharToMultiByte (wCharBuffer CP_ACP, 0, 1, aCharBuffer, len, 0, NULL);
Free ((void *) wCharBuffer);

Return aCharBuffer;
# endif

//button click event
Void onButton1Click (TObject sender) {
ShowMessage (" Hello world!" );

//file drag and drop event
Void onOnDropFiles (TObject sender, void * aFileNames, intptr_t len) {
Printf (" aFileNames: % p, len=% d \ n ", aFileNames, len);
Intptr_t I;
//GetFPStringArrayMember for a member function was obtained from the string array of Lazarus,
for (i=0; I & lt; Len. I++) {

# ifdef _WIN32
//because liblcl use utf-8 encoding, so get or incoming under the Windows, it takes the utf-8 encoding/decoding
Char * filename=UTF8Decode (GetFPStringArrayMember (aFileNames, I));
# the else
//Linux and macOS default is utf-8, without the encoding/decoding
Char * filename=GetFPStringArrayMember (aFileNames, I);
# endif
Printf (" file [% d]=% s \ n ", I + 1, filename);
# ifdef _WIN32
Free ((void *) filename);
# endif

//window, press the keyboard events
Void onFormKeyDown (TObject sender, Char * key, TShiftState shift) {
Printf (" key=% d, shift=% d \ n ", * key, shift);
If (* key==vkReturn) {
ShowMessage (" press Enter!" );

TShiftState s=the Include (0, ssAlt);
{if (an InSet (s, ssAlt))
Printf (" ssAlt1 \ n ");
S=Exclude (s, ssAlt);
if (! An InSet (s, ssAlt)) {
Printf (" ssAlt2 \ n ");

//edit box content change events
Void onEditChange (TObject sender) {
Printf (" % s \ n ", Edit_GetText (sender));

Int main ()
//load the library
# ifdef _WIN32
If (load_liblcl (" liblcl. DLL ")) {
# endif
# ifdef __linux__
If (load_liblcl (" liblcl. So ")) {
# endif
# ifdef __APPLE__
If (load_liblcl (" liblcl. Dylib ")) {
# endif

//the main window display in the task bar, Windows only effective
Application_SetMainFormOnTaskBar (Application, TRUE);
//the application title, affect, such as the title of the ShowMessage,
Application_SetTitle (Application, "Hello, LCL");
//initialize the application
Application_Initialize (Application);

//create a window
TForm form=Application_CreateForm (Application, FALSE);
//set the window title
LCL Form_SetCaption (form, "form");
//Settings window position
Form_SetPosition (form, poScreenCenter);

//- drag and drop files test -- -- --
Receive files//drag
Form_SetAllowDropFiles (form, TRUE);
//drag and drop files event
Form_SetOnDropFiles (form, onOnDropFiles);

//window receive priority keys, is not affected by other
Form_SetKeyPreview (form, TRUE);

//window button event
Form_SetOnKeyDown (form, onFormKeyDown);

//-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- from the memory stream or loading the UI layout file -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
//loaded from a file window Settings
//from the flow load
//TMemoryStream mem=NewMemoryStream ();
//MemoryStream_Write (mem, data, datalen);
//MemoryStream_SetPosition (mem, 0);
//ResFormLoadFromStream (mem, form);
//MemoryStream_Free (mem);

//loaded from a file
//ResFormLoadFromFile ("./Form1. GFM ", form);

//-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- dynamically created controls -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
//create a button
TButton BTN=Button_Create (form);
//set the child parent window
Button_SetParent (BTN, form);
//set button click event
Button_SetOnClick (BTN, onButton1Click);
//set button title
Button_SetCaption (BTN, "for the");
//set button on the left side of the Parent position
Button_SetLeft (BTN, 100);
//set button at the top of the Parent to edge position
Button_SetTop (BTN, 100);

//to create a single file box (TMemo)
TEdit edit=Edit_Create (form);
//set the child parent window
Edit_SetParent (edit, form);
//set the left
Edit_SetLeft (edit, 10);
//set the topside
Edit_SetTop (edit, 10);
//set editor content change events
Edit_SetOnChange (edit, onEditChange);

//run the app
Application_Run (Application);

//release liblcl library
Close_liblcl ();
return 0;
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