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Ask this kind of method how to get the biggest f (S, T)?


2020 in anhui province
D. string change
For the length of the two is composed of 0 S and 1 S are the sequence of N S and T, f (S, T) are defined as follows:
Repeat the following operation, making the sequence S the same as the sequence T, f (S, T) after operation, need at least spend
Change S [I] value (0 or 1 to 0), its cost is D * C [I], where D is the before the operation,
Sequence of meet S [j] indicates T [j] j number (1 & lt;=jFor a fixed length N, a total of 2? ? (2? ? 1) for the sequences of 01 (S, T), and calculate all f (S, T)
The sum of, and output it to the 10? The result of + 7,
Data range
1 or less? 2 or less? 10?
1 or less?????? 10 or less?
The input description
Input the first conduct an integer N, S and T, the length of the second line, a total of N integers, C [1], C [2], [3], C... , C [N],
The output shows that
Output an integer, the sum of all f (S, T) of 10? + 7 modulus results,
Sample a
The input sample
The output sample
The sample 2
The input sample
5 8
The output sample
To sample 1, S advisable to 0, 1, T desirable 0, 1, a total of f (0, 0) and f (0, 1), f (1, 0) and f (1, 1) four
=0 f (0, 0) and f (1, 1)=0, f (1, 0)=f (0, 1)=10 ^ 9, so the final result for 2 * 10 ^ 9, modulus can get 999999993,
Sample 2, in view of the S=(0, 1), T=(1, 0) for this sequence, first change the S1 to 1, the cost is 5 * 2=10,
Because S1 and T1, S2 and T2 are not the same, and then change the S2 to 0, the cost for 8 * 1=8, therefore, f (S, T)=18,

Method: using mathematical method
The topic request is solved by some mathematical methods, inverse element is first to calculate combination Cn, m, calculated by the method of fast power exponent n 2, and then, by using the method of mathematics from the first beginning, there are four state, two equal, when the state began to calculate cost, the number of n - 1, candidate ranged from m, m, is the Cn - 1, a total of two states, namely 2 ^ m,
 # include 
using namespace std;

Typedef long long LL;
Const LL maxn (200005), the mod e9 + 7 (1);
LL Jc [maxn];

Within the void calJc maxn ()//o number of factorial
Jc [0]=Jc [1]=1;
For (LL I=2; i Jc [I]=Jc [I - 1] * I % mod;

//inverse fermat's little theorem
LL pow (LL a, LL n, LL p)//fast power a ^ n % p
LL ans=1;
While (n)
If (n & amp; 1) ans=ans * a % p;
A=a * a % p;
N & gt;>=1;
Return ans.

LL niYuan (LL a, LL b)//inverse fermat's little theorem
Return pow (- 2 a, b, b);

LL (LL a, LL b/C/calculate C (a, b)
If (a & lt; B) return 0;
Return Jc [a] * niYuan (Jc [b], mod) % mod
* niYuan (Jc/a - b, mod) % mod;

//fast power
LL poww (int a, int b) {
LL ans=1, base=a;
While (b!=0) {
If (b& 1!=0)
Ans=ans * base % mod;
The base=base * base % mod;
Return ans.

LL d [maxn];//store D data
LL a [maxn]; Deposit//how many times need to multiply D [I]

Int main ()
CalJc ();//initialize
int n;
cin> n;
for(int i=1; i<=n; I++)
cin> D [I];

for(int i=1; i<=n; I++)
LL a1, a2, a3=0;
A1=poww (4, I - 1);
A2=poww (2, n - I + 1);
A [I]=a1 * a2 % mod;
for(int k=0; K<=n - (I); K++)
A3=a3 + C (n - I, k) * (k + 1) % mod;
A3=a3 % mod;
A [I]=[I] a * a3 % mod;

LL ans=0;
for(int i=1; i<=n; I++)
Ans=ans + a * d [I] [I] % mod;
coutreturn 0;