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C implementation books management system management system (homework)


Function description:
(1) simulation of the books management system management system processes, including registered readers, readers borrow books management, user management, and other functions, book information include: isbn, title, author, publisher, publication date, price, etc.,
(2) set the password for the administrator log in the initial
(3) number of books by the system set the maximum borrowing limit, the system of the total number of books and user sum is limited by the maximum system Settings, (4) library management mainly includes the book lending, book return, borrowing information view functions, books management mainly includes the increase of the book, delete, modify, view, statistics, and other functions, the user management mainly include user registration, login, change passwords, modify personal information, set up the user type, and other functions,

1. Definition: six categories and small function
Admin: definition of a class that is the system administrator, inherited from the log, is mainly responsible for increasing the reader, remove, add or delete the librarian, modify permissions on the readers and the librarians, etc., through the account password, initial account knight initial password is 123, the administrator can also modify the reader's rights, such as setting up the teacher up to 20 books, students up to 10 books,
2. BookMessage: the parent class, used to store the books information, such as, the number of the title, author, publisher, publication date, price, etc.,
Librarian: definition of the Librarian's class, main permissions to add and delete books, inherited from the log, through the account password, initial account sillage initial password is 123.
4. Log: the parent class, complete login registration function,
5. Reader: inheritance in the log, user and BookMessage, have check books, books, and books, borrow the function such as information query,
6. The User: the parent class, mainly for the User's information, including account password, borrow situation, such as
7. Void Book_Add (BookMessage * B);//add books
8. Void Reader_Add (, Reader User * U * R);//add the reader
9. Void Book_Add (BookMessage * B);//add books
10. Void Book_Delete (BookMessage * B);//delete books
11. A void Book_Alter (BookMessage * B);//modify books
12. Void Book_Find (BookMessage * B);//find books
13. Void Book_AddUp (BookMessage * B);//statistical books
14. Void Reader: : Book_LR ();//reader borrows

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