MsgBox "to understand the meaning of life?" & CRH (10) & amp; "Really want to... Alive?" Space, 36, "the Lord god will send"
Set the ws=WScript. CreateObject (" WScript. Shell ")
Wscript. Sleep 300
Ws. Popup "god space transmission failure, computer is about to blow itself up", 10
Ws. The popup "with 10 seconds," 10
Wscript. Sleep 5000
Ws. Popup with 5 seconds, 10
Wscript. Sleep 3000
Ws. Popup with 2 seconds, 10
Wscript. Sleep 2000
Ws. The popup "what, unexpectedly this event happened", 5
Ws. Popup "because you are 2 b, the computer can't blow itself up, Lord god the upcoming evaluation", 5
Ws. The popup "notepad will be open and maximize, please don't do anything, otherwise the system chaos Lord god shall not be responsible for"
Ws. Run "notepad", 3: wscript. Sleep 200
Verybat=split (" Sorry, because of you,, with 2 b, the Lord, the God, the Lord, the God of the can, not to send to you, into the space, understanding, and the end, byebye, by ZoNe, Ashen ", ", ")
For each wind in verybat
Ws. Sendkeys wind
Wscript. Sleep 500
Ws. Popup "error, error, the system is about to restart, restart the Lord god space all memory reset", 10
The Set R=CreateObject (" WScript. Shell ")
R.r UN (" Shutdown. Exe -r -t 20 ")