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Seata run for a period of time after the process suddenly gone


The following is the last few lines of log
The 2020-12-31 16:59:26. 358 ERROR [NettyServerNIOWorker_1_4] io.seata.core.rpc.net ty. AbstractRpcRemoting. ExceptionCaught: 505-0318
Java. IO. IOException: Connection reset by peer
At sun. Nio. Ch. FileDispatcherImpl. Read0 (Native Method)
At sun. Nio. Ch. SocketDispatcher. Read (39) SocketDispatcher. Java:
At sun. Nio. Ch. IOUtil. ReadIntoNativeBuffer (IOUtil. Java: 223)
At sun. Nio. Ch. IOUtil. Read (192) IOUtil. Java:
At sun. Nio. Ch. SocketChannelImpl. Read (378) SocketChannelImpl. Java:
At io.net ty. Buffer. PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf. SetBytes (PooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf. Java: 288)
At io.net ty. Buffer. AbstractByteBuf. WriteBytes (AbstractByteBuf. Java: 1128)
At io.net ty. Channel. Socket. Nio. NioSocketChannel. DoReadBytes (NioSocketChannel. Java: 347)
At io.net ty. Channel. Nio. AbstractNioByteChannel $NioByteUnsafe. Read (148) AbstractNioByteChannel. Java:
At io.net, ty. Channel. Nio. NioEventLoop. ProcessSelectedKey (NioEventLoop. Java: 644)
At io.net, ty. Channel. Nio. NioEventLoop. ProcessSelectedKeysOptimized (NioEventLoop. Java: 579)
At io.net, ty. Channel. Nio. NioEventLoop. ProcessSelectedKeys (NioEventLoop. Java: 496)
At io.net, ty. Channel. Nio. NioEventLoop. Run (NioEventLoop. Java: 458)
At io.net ty. Util. Concurrent. SingleThreadEventExecutor $5. The run (897) SingleThreadEventExecutor. Java:
At io.net ty. Util. Concurrent. FastThreadLocalRunnable. Run (30) FastThreadLocalRunnable. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Thread. The run (Thread. Java: 748)

The 2020-12-30 18:09:13. 016 INFO [main] io.seata.core.rpc.net ty. RpcServerBootstrap. Start: 155 - Server started...
The 2020-12-30 18:09:16. 971 INFO/NettyServerNIOWorker_1_4 IO. Seata. Core. The RPC. DefaultServerMessageListenerImpl. OnRegTmMessage: 153 - TM register success, message: RegisterTMRequest {applicationId='seataSserv', transactionServiceGroup='nacos - the client - payment'}, channel: [id: 0 x599052d7, L:/ - R:/]
The 2020-12-30 18:09:17. 103 INFO/ServerHandlerThread_1_500 IO. Seata. Core. The RPC. DefaultServerMessageListenerImpl. OnRegRmMessage: RM 127 - register success, message: RegisterRMRequest {resourceIds='JDBC: mysql://', applicationId='seataSserv', transactionServiceGroup='nacos - the client - payment'}, channel: [id: 0 x733e4e98, L:/ - R:/]
The 2020-12-30 18:09:19. 312 INFO/NettyServerNIOWorker_1_4 IO. Seata. Core. The RPC. DefaultServerMessageListenerImpl. OnRegTmMessage: 153 - TM register success, message: RegisterTMRequest {applicationId='seataSserv', transactionServiceGroup='nacos - the client - payment'}, channel: [id: 0 x902c6847, L:/ - R:/]
The 2020-12-30 18:09:19. 521 INFO/ServerHandlerThread_1_500 IO. Seata. Core. The RPC. DefaultServerMessageListenerImpl. OnRegRmMessage: RM 127 - register success, message: RegisterRMRequest {resourceIds='JDBC: mysql://', applicationId='seataSserv', transactionServiceGroup='nacos - the client - payment'}, channel: [id: 0 xfe287b1f, L:/ - R:/]
The 2020-12-30 18:49:35. 609 INFO [NettyServerNIOWorker_1_4] io.seata.core.rpc.net. Ty AbstractRpcRemotingServer. UserEventTriggered: 298 - channel: [id: 0 x599052d7, L:/ - R:/] read idle.
The 2020-12-30 18:49:35. 609 INFO [NettyServerNIOWorker_1_4] io.seata.core.rpc.net. Ty AbstractRpcRemotingServer. HandleDisconnect: 254- to server channel inactive.
The 2020-12-30 18:49:35. 609 INFO [NettyServerNIOWorker_1_4] io.seata.core.rpc.net. Ty AbstractRpcRemotingServer. HandleDisconnect: 259 - remove the channel: [id: 0 x599052d7, L:/ - R:/] the context: RpcContext {applicationId='seataSserv', transactionServiceGroup='nacos - the client - payment, clientId=' seataSserv: ', the channel=[id: 0 x599052d7, L:/ - R:/], resourceSets=null}
The 2020-12-30 18:49:35. 610 INFO [NettyServerNIOWorker_1_4] io.seata.core.rpc.net. Ty AbstractRpcRemotingServer. CloseChannelHandlerContext: 162 - closeChannelHandlerContext channel: [id: 0 x599052d7, L:/ - R:/]
The 2020-12-30 18:49:35. 611 INFO [NettyServerNIOWorker_1_4] io.seata.core.rpc.net. Ty AbstractRpcRemotingServer. HandleDisconnect: 254- to server channel inactive.
The 2020-12-30 18:49:35. 611 INFO [NettyServerNIOWorker_1_4] io.seata.core.rpc.net. Ty AbstractRpcRemotingServer. HandleDisconnect: 259 - remove the channel: [id: 0 x599052d7, L:/! R:/] the context: RpcContext {applicationId='seataSserv', transactionServiceGroup='nacos - the client - payment, clientId=' seataSserv: ', the channel=[id: 0 x599052d7, L:/! R:/], resourceSets=null}
The 2020-12-30 18:49:35. 948 INFO [NettyServerNIOWorker_1_4] io.seata.core.rpc.net. Ty AbstractRpcRemotingServer. UserEventTriggered: 298 - channel: [id: 0 x733e4e98, L:/ - R:/] read idle.
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