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Teaching information management system


Title description:
According to teachers' teaching information to manage the teaching information, each record, including a teacher staff number, name, post
, according to gender, 3 lecture course (course name, course, course nature, degree and non-degree courses and teaching effect),
Teaching effect comprehensive score,
Functional requirements:
Functions: (1) input can be a complete record of the input,
(2) display function: complete teacher's record, according to
(3) lookup: complete records, according to the name or a course teacher and display,
(4) sort function: according to the worker number or teaching effect comprehensive score for sorting,
(5) insert function: according to the teaching effect comprehensive score will insert a teacher record,
(1) according to the analysis, design, coding, debugging and testing of software to complete the application process,
(2) for the operations function to design a menu, after the application is running, displays the menu first, and then by the user menu item
Choose to the operation of the project,
Input requirements:
(1) after the application is running on the screen display a menu, the user can according to the requirements, corresponding operation selected item, enter
After each operation, according to the application, corresponding information from the keyboard input, the program based on user input letter
Interest and complete the corresponding processing, realize the function requirements,
(2) to simple input data of calibration, the uniqueness of the worker number, gender, for example, can only enter "male" or "female"
And so on,
Output requirements:
(1) after the application is running, a menu is displayed on the screen,
(2) require the user to input data, clear, clear, including the input of data content, format and end
(3) after the process is complete, clearly program given in the paper, for example, in a given to delete information, if the letter
Rate does not exist, to prompt can't delete, if you remove success to prompt deleted successful,
Implement requirements:
Adopt the method of modular program design, various functions of the program function is used to implement,
Use structure according to teacher's teaching information, a node to save a teacher teaching information,
(1) provide statistical functions, such as statistical comprehensive scoring average all teachers teaching effect, the highest and lowest rating,
(2) the teachers' teaching information read from the file,
(3) to save the teaching information to a file,
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