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Want to output directly sort, selection sort, heap sort, quick sort, the former five lines of sortin



Void print (int arr [], int n)
for(int i=0; iPrintf (" % d ", arr [I]);

//direct insertion sort
Void InsertSort (int arr [], int n)
int i,j;
for(i=1; i{
If (arr [I] {
Int t=arr [I];
For (j=I - 1; J>=0 & amp; & Arr [j] & gt; t; J -)
Arr=arr [m + 1] [j];
Arr [m + 1]=t;
If (i<6)
Print (arr, n);

//quick sort
Void QuickSort (int arr [], int l, int r, int k, int n)
If (l{
Int I=l=r j, x=arr [l];
While (i{
While (ij--;
If (iArr [i++]=arr [j];
While (ii++;
If (iArr=arr [j -] [I];
Arr=x [I];
If (k<6)
Print (arr, n);
K=k + 1;
QuickSort (arr, l, I - 1, k, n);
QuickSort (arr, I + 1, r, k, n);

Void SelectSort (int arr [], int n)
int i,j,k;
for(i=0; i{
For (j=I + 1; j{
If (arr [k] & gt; Arr [j])
Int t=arr [I];
Arr=arr [I] [k].
Arr [k]=t;
If (i<5)
Print (arr, n);

Void swap (int * a, int * b)
Int t=* b;
* b=* a;
* a=t;
Void MaxHeapify (int arr [], int start, int the end)
Int dad=start;
Int son=dad * 2 + 1;
While (son<=end)
If (son + 1 & lt;=end& & Arr [son] Son++;
If (arr [dad] & gt; Arr [son])
The else
Swap (& amp; Arr [dad], & amp; Arr [son]);
Son=dad * 2 + 1;
Void HeapSort (int arr [], int n)
int i;
For (I=n/2-1; I>=0; I -)
MaxHeapify (arr, I, n - 1);
For (I=n - 1; I> 0; I -)
Swap (& amp; Arr [0], & amp; Arr [I]);
MaxHeapify (arr. Zero, I - 1);
If (i<6)
Print (arr, n);
Int main ()
int n;
Printf (" (case arr [8]=,3,4,6,2,8,5,9 {0}) \ n please enter a number less than 5: ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; N);
Int arr [100].
Printf (" please input data: ");
for(int i=0; iThe scanf (" % d ", & amp; Arr [I]);
Printf (" before ordering: \ n ");
Print (arr, n);
Printf (" top five times: \ n ");
//InsertSort (arr, n);
Int k=1;
QuickSort (arr. Zero, n - 1, k, n);
//SelectSort (arr, n);
//HeapSort (arr, n);
return 0;
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