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For help, mixing error picture


using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
Int main ()
Mat girl=imread (" girl. JPG ");
NamedWindow (" [1] cartoon figure ");
Imshow (" [1] cartoon figure ", girl).
WaitKey (600);
//load the picture
Mat image=imread (" dota. JPG ");
Mat logo=imread (" the JPG ");
NamedWindow (" [2] the original drawing ");
Imshow (" [2] the original drawing, "image).
WaitKey (600);
NamedWindow (" [3] logo figure ");
Imshow (" [3] logo figure, "logo);
WaitKey (600);
Mat imageROI;
ImageROI=image (Range (350, 350 + logo. Rows), Range (800, 800 + logo. Cols));
AddWeighted (imageROI, 0.5, logo, 0.3, 3.3, imageROI);

NamedWindow (" [4] + logo original painting ");
Imshow (" [4] + logo "original painting, the image).
Imwrite (" images generated by imwrite. JPG ", image).
WaitKey ();
return 0;
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