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SpringSecurity path of filtration


A web site project adopted springsecurity and thymeleaf
Homepage address is: http://localhost/index
Website backstage address is: http://localhost/login

Direct access to the http://localhost/index and back office address no problem, when accessing http://localhost/index? Xxid udi932akkdz of===& amp; Token=3990201993331 this url will jump to the http://localhost/login login page, here (external) incoming xxid and token I was in the website don't have to do any processing

SpringSecurity filter the path I'm here
Protected void the configure (HTTP) HttpSecurity throws the Exception {
HTTP. AuthorizeRequests (.) antMatchers (" does not require authentication resource path ") permitAll ();
This place should be above how to write in order to release/index/index and at the same time? Xxid=xxx& Token=XXX
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