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The singleton pattern of notes


Design patterns: singleton
Public class Singleton
////not hungry hungry mode han mode
Private static Singleton Singleton=new Singleton (); Private static Singleton Singleton;
Private Singleton ()
Public static Singleton getInstance () public synchronized static Singleton getInstance ()
//idlers model//double lock mechanism
If (singleton==null) if (singleton==null)
The singleton=new singleton (); Synchronized (Singleton class)
} {
Return the singleton (); If (singleton==null)
} {
} the singleton=new singleton ();
Return the singleton.
//in theory, there will be no more fish
Public class InnerClassSinleton ()
Pricate InnnerClassSingleton ()
Private static InnerClassSinleTon ()
Public static final InnerClassSingleton single=new InnerClassSingleton ();
Public static InnerClassSingleTon getInstance ()
Return InnerClassSingleTon. Single;

Public class RunTest ()
Public static void main (String args [])
The Singleton s=Singleton. GetInstace ();
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