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People turn to help me, thank you! PB code DELPHI code


Global type nvo_ybjk from nonvisualobject
End type
End forward

Global type nvo_ybjk from nonvisualobject
End type
Global nvo_ybjk nvo_ybjk

The type as
The function string SendRcv (string pSend, string pRcv) library "SendRcv. DLL
"The function string YBTS (string pRcv) library "ybpost. DLL library" ybpost. DLL "ALIAS FOR" YBTS; The ANSI//interface "

The function string SendRcvA (ref string pSend, ref string pRcv) library "SendRcvA. DLL" ALIAS FOR "SendRcv; ANSI
"The function string SendRcvB (ref string pSend, ref string pRcv) library "SendRcvB. DLL" ALIAS FOR "SendRcv; ANSI
"The function int SIReadCardIDAIO (ref string sCardNo, ref string sCardId, ref string sInitOrgNo) library "SI_ICCReader. DLL" ALIAS FOR "SIReadCardIDAIO; ANSI
"End as
The type variables
Datastore ids_data, ids_data_fymx

String is_data_array []//written to the data from the data store in the array

//return information and return information body
String is_return, is_return_text
String is_inparm, is_outparm

//code, name
//string is_yybm='330399'
String is_yybm='330399'
String is_zddm
String is_jgdm='00000009300'

//in code (3rd)
String is_yyjm

//return information coding, return information text
String is_error_code, is_error_text

String is_inifile='yb. Ini'

String is_brbs='0'
Boolean ib_debug=false

String is_knxx
String is_knxx2 is_grjbxx, is_ylfylj is_zz, is_lxdh, is_xm, is_sex
Dec {2} is_smkzhye
String is_smkzt

Int is_readicreturn
String is_ic is_id, is_no
String is_smkjslsh

End the variables

Forward as
The public function integer uf_data_reset ()
The public function integer uf_data_object (string as_dataobject)
The public function string uf_parm (string as_type, string as_text)
The public function integer uf_sendrcv (string as_send)
The public function integer uf_convert_texttodw ()
The public function string uf_convert_numberbtostring (double ad_number)
The public function string uf_fymx ()
The public function integer uf_data_export ()
The public function integer uf_readcard (string as_data)
The public function integer uf_data_toarray ()
The public function integer uf_data_toarray (integer ai_row)
The public function integer uf_fymx_item (integer ai_col, decimal ad_value)
The public function integer uf_person_info (string as_knxx, datawindow now adws)
The public function datetime uf_get_sysdate ()
The public function integer uf_init ()
The public function integer uf_convert_dept (string as_dept, ref string as_ybbm, ref string as_ybmc)
The public function integer uf_fymx_reset ()
The public function integer uf_data_item (integer ai_col, string as_value)
The public function integer uf_convert_dwtotext (ref string as_text)
The public function integer uf_convert_billitem (string as_sfxm, ref string as_ybbm, ref string as_ybmc)
The public function integer uf_data_export (datawindow now adws)
The public function integer wf_log (string as_send, string as_fetch)
The public function integer uf_log (string as_send, string as_fetch)
The public function string uf_convert_numberatostring (decimal ad_number)
The public function integer uf_data_itemnumbera (integer ai_col, decimal ad_value)
The public function integer uf_data_itemnumberb (integer ai_col, decimal ad_value)
The public function string uf_get_filename (string as_type, date ad_day)
The public function integer uf_convert_texttoarray (string as_text, string as_array [])
The public function integer uf_import_file (datawindow now adws, integer ai_startrow)
The public function integer uf_isdate (string as_date)
The public function integer uf_convert_social (string as_socialno, ref datetime adt_birth, ref integer ai_age, ref string as_sex)
The public function integer uf_fymx_item (string as_bill, decimal ad_value)
The public function string uf_string_fromlen (string as_text, integer ai_len)
The public function integer uf_convert_arraytods (string as_text [], datastore ads, string as_messcode)
The public function integer uf_convert_texttods (string as_text, string as_messcode, ref datastore ads)
The public function integer uf_convert_texttoarray (string as_text, string as_messcode, ref string as_array [])
The public function integer uf_pub_get_personinfo (string as_knxx, datawindow now adws)
The public function integer uf_jk_g002 (string as_knxx)
The public function integer uf_sendrcva (string as_messagecode, string as_message, string as_knxx)
The public function string uf_convert_dstotext (ref datastore ads)
The public function integer uf_jk_y003 (string as_serialno)
The public function integer uf_jk_y004 (string as_serialno)
The public function integer uf_jk_y005 (string as_serialno)
The public function integer uf_save_log ()
The public function integer uf_save_patinfo ()
The public function integer uf_jk_y001 (long al_ghid)
The public function integer uf_jk_y002 (long al_ghid)
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