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The currency will rise to 100 one thousand?


Currency assets is the highest increase in the past 10 years, from the most high to $41900, zero point zero zero for a couple of dollars to turn over millions of times, there are many factors which can support it rise in price, first of all, it's a constant circulation of 21 million, about once every four years production, scarcity will gradually strengthen, and secondly it is the world's first male chain block chain technology in the first application in the field of encryption monetary, stable operation for more than ten years, never a security vulnerability, moreover is the consensus degree is high enough, a lot of people see it as risk assets,

Is currently the most currency soared to $41900 a, is equivalent to 300000, to rise to one thousand, 100, that is, on the basis of the existing trebled, again according to the current market heat, can achieve in the near future, so now is the best time to buy COINS, but buy the currency spot than BitOffer ETF funds, it joined the dynamic intelligent adjustable compounding storehouse mechanism and fund, income is more than three times higher than the spot, up to 17 times, if the currency rose to one thousand, 100 successful buy spot up to five times, and we could just buy ETF fund at least 15 times, the highest can be multiplied 85 times, significantly more cost-effective than to buy the spot,
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