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Old block chain thinking phase - super books missed a golden opportunity to three times


The clouds of the IBM team player, can quickly update the books to competition and face book block chain system, but has not put forward the corresponding new ideas, 3 consecutive lost a golden opportunity to

Original: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/awx-OvdFjc9 -- RACJmI0lA
The clouds of the IBM team player, can quickly update the books to competition and face book block chain system, but has not put forward the corresponding new ideas, 3 consecutive lost a golden opportunity to

Based on February 1, 2021, foreign media reported that IBM will shut down its super book block chain department, 90% of employees will leave, but now IBM's main job is to block chain research and development (R& D), many related business has been cancelled, according to the report, IBM is no longer the chain block as its main products of science and technology, many people are surprised, because in December 2020, IBM also in celebrating the books, many institutions at home and abroad to participate in, everyone was super book system, below the original English news [1] :

Familiar with the situation of four, according to people familiar with the IBM team to block chain cut to almost nothing, (the original: IBM has cut its blockchain team down to almost nothing, "according to four people familiar with the situation.)

"IBM is undergoing a major restructuring" of a start-up, a source said the start-up has been interviewed former IBM employees block chain, "block chain team no longer really exists, IBM's block chain researchers mostly left", (the original: "IBM is doing a major reorganization," said a source at a startup that has had been interviewing their weight.this IBM blockchain staffers. "There is not really going to be a blockchain team any longer. Most of the blockchain people at IBM have left.")

The news was released by CoinDesk, there are several important media forward or comments, back quickly denied reports authenticity, IBM said super book business is very good; But admitted that the company is restructuring within (re - org) block, chain department and the company block chain eldest brother Jerry Cuomo now there are other tasks,

Worked in the United States knows, the corporate sector restructuring, on behalf of the company personnel or business of a major change, the IBM block chain department reorganization, must have something, just after restructuring to what extent will be clear,

IBM's book has been the leader of the enterprise edition block chain, the restructuring of the eldest brother brought some important information to the industry, when the technology to keep pace with the trend of The Times, technology will be eliminated,

Super books missed three golden opportunity
First review the books of history, for the sake of readers, the author put the focus of public opinion also marked, at that time

5 years in December 1201, IBM into block chain field
In December 2015, IBM announced that opens the super book project, it sparked a sensation, many teams only super books followed,

Block is concern at that time, the industry chain is a useful tool in nearly nine months after the debate, the conclusion is useful, the Bank of England was the first to put forward the Central Bank Digital Currency (Central Bank Digital Currency, CBDC), guide the public opinion of the world, in December 2015, IBM launched timely super book system is indeed strike while the iron is hot, in one fell swoop led block chain development in the world,

2201 six years of a cognitive delays
2016 IBM on cognitive delays, which resulted in the plight of strategic layout, at that time, a senior researcher at IBM believes in block chain unit is to trust each other, so there's no need to have a Byzantine general agreement, according to the idea, they gave up their Byzantine general agreement, and using the database consistency protocol (consistency protocol), but such a system, as long as there is one person to cheat, all participants are cheated, it is also a weak chain characteristics, super book system is degraded become weak chain,

Industry focus is at the time, define different block chain, such as chain, chain, and the chain structure, function, performance, many units they block chain design, mostly spell system performance, such as the number of transactions per second, and the bank of England CBDC model, economic model, and CBDC operation mechanism, again to get the attention of the world,

3201 seven years super books use Kafka centralized software
IBM's second problem is the use of Kafka the mechanism to do consensus, this mechanism is the database and cloud computing is an important tool for inside, but the consensus is actually atomic broadcast (atomic broadcast), the mechanism of a centralized mechanism, such super book system degradation is not just a weak link, and become a pseudo chain, that is no longer block chain,

June 1, 2017, the author met in Beijing with IBM's global vice President from New York, will mention this problem face to face, and said this is a serious problem, later will have influence, jpmorgan chase bank announced publicly in 2019 super books not block chain, it had a significant impact on information,

At that time, the industry focus is CBDC experiment, such as the bank of Canada, the European central bank, the bank of Japan's leading to experiment, the experimental results is the application of block chain also has the very big disparity, in the same period, foreign regulatory sandbox progress vigorously,

4201 8 years super zhang to miss the boat, lost a golden opportunity to
2018, IBM announced the issuance of a stable currency, this is IBM since 2015 one of the most successful strategic layout, IBM to become the world's compliance at pioneer of digital stable currency, this is a golden opportunity, IBM can promoting the book,

Problem is IBM automatic give up her own super book system, it USES star chain (Stellar) to issue digital currency, all be missing a golden opportunity, when issuing unit use chain, IBM also do in Rome as Rome does, the chain, it is one of the most serious mistakes in strategy, then IBM announced its stable currency also use super book, but it is too late, the chance to star chain,

Because to do so, IBM is equal to open tell you super bad books, it's like a patient to see a doctor, the patient found the doctor has the same disease, the patient asked the doctor, you eat the medicine? The doctor says that I don't eat, in this case the patient eat the doctor prescribed medicine? IBM has their favourite super book, but they don't use, can't the league chain processing digital currency? Facebook's also the chain chain, also issuing and dealing with digital currency,

CBDC is concern in the industry at that time, many countries in the discussion, not only the financial or the power of science and technology (such as the European central bank, the bank of England, the bank of Japan), other countries also joined the experiment, including South Africa, Britain, Canada, Singapore also released three joint CBDC study, takes the lead in putting forward the system of regulation of sand box,

5201 super books again lose a golden opportunity to
In June 2019, facebook Libra, the white paper, shocked the world, everyone began to seriously study block chain, many countries have put a chain of block as a national strategy, the international monetary fund (IMF) think this influence is unprecedented,

This time, IBM didn't borrow face book issued a stable currency, vigorously promote the books, and facebook block chain competition, sadly, due to super book is league chain, should be more loudly say super books lead face book in the regulatory and safety plans, face book chain at that time had not yet developed, and the books have been developed earlier, absolute leading face book system,

Facebook's plan was then according to the chain and lack of supervision mechanism, this equals to super book leads the world in a golden opportunity,

At that time, the industry focus is no longer CBDC, but the coming, the stability of the currency issued by a private company, and may lead to great reform of financial markets, the multinational bank's reaction is strictly regulated and r&d CBDC immediately, everyone in a congressional hearing on face book discussion,

6202 super book lost golden opportunity for the third time
In 2020, the world bank, the bank is in learning digital currency, the new currency war, digital financial, digital assets transactions, whether in New York, London, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, everybody is very serious study and research, but at the end of 2020, super book leadership in front of the media talk about what [2]? He also talked about the books on the design of advantages, such as the open source community, for example, amazon using super books, etc., why don't you to strongly recommended to use super books on digital currency?

This is a golden opportunity for the third time, many countries of the world are studying digital currency and a stable currency, IBM is the world's first organization compliance stable currency team (2018),

Super books were on the issue of concern within the system, as well as traditional IT applications, no attention to you for the attention but are paying attention to the new currency war, super books and market demand began to disconnect,

But at that time, the problem of attention, the book can still make force, while the super book obviously need to update the design, unfortunately, the team did not use golden opportunity for the third time to update the system,

At that time, the industry focus is not only a stable currency, but the new currency war, the world's reserve currency competition, Financial market reform, the Financial Action Task Force (Financial Action Task Force, FATF) Travel rules (Rule) Travel regulations, the rules of the Travel is according to the traditional banking Secrecy laws R (Bank Secrecy Act) and development, in order to protect the dollar, Treasury open Bank of America to join the block chain network, but also their issuing Bank stability of the currency, and awarded "national pay" licence to digital Financial company, which is equal to Bank of America's big reform,

Super what is the symbol of science and technology books?
Recently, asked many people, famous block chain system of science and technology logo is? Many people answer the currency symbol is UTXO model, digital wallets and consensus mechanism POW; The etheric fang logo is the account system, and intelligent platform contract, but the what is the symbol of science and technology books?

To be a symbol of science and technology, a technology of original (not a copy or learn others technology); Second, we must useful; Three loud reputation and system name is a symbol of science and technology, but it is difficult to find out the author met super symbol of science and technology books,

Some say, super book mark is chain alliance, some say it's development methods (modular development, pluggable system), but the other system has, not super books of original technology, such as beihang chain is developed earlier than a super book chain alliance, pluggable system is a traditional software engineering technology,

Even later to face book Diem chain (2019) also has its science and technology,

The core technology must be the original
A new system of science and technology is the core part of can not be outsourced, or use other team development of open source software, can use open source software in the support system, but in the core part of the use of open source code is not the core technology,

Blocks in the core of the chain system is the ledger system, consensus mechanism, trading mechanism, but the super book version 1.0 core actually use open source software, Kafka represents super book core technology is not the original, in this point of view to analyze, use super book software is equivalent to use Kafka centered book system and contract system,

Facebook block chain system, for example, the logo is "chain coin separation", "abandon currency guarantee chain" and "decoupling" consensus and transaction, "embedded regulation", "more than a chain coin", etc., all of these features and traditional block chain, are mostly original technology, these new features make the face book system is better than previous systems, including COINS, Ethernet, super book,

The world has been in progress, block chain innovation all the time only
The following table compares the face of the book's innovative and recent super books open window [3], super book window is beautiful, but the bright spot stay in a few years ago (2015-2016) of concern, without cover and the focus of the latest, the new currency war, for example, the bank issued a stable currency, and digital assets transactions, the window of the opposite face book is a focus in the industry in 2020, the world has changed, but the book also has remained in mind a few years ago,

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