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Aggregating / rolling up specific records "into" subsequent records


I am trying to aggregate records with a specific type into subsequent records.

I have a dataset similar to the following:

df_initial <- data.frame("Id" = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 
                         "Qty" = c(105, 110, 100, 115, 120), 
                         "Type" = c("A", "B", "B", "A", "A"), 
                         "Difference" = c(30, 34, 32, 30, 34))

After sorting on the Id field, I'd like to aggregate records of Type = "B" into the next record of type = "A".

In other words, I'm looking to create df_new, which adds the Qty and Difference values for Ids 2 and 3 into the Qty and Difference values for Id 4, and flags Id 4 as being adjusted (in the field AdjustedFlag).

df_new <- data.frame("Id" = c(1, 4, 5), 
                     "Qty" = c(105, 325, 120), 
                     "Type" = c("A", "A", "A"), 
                     "Difference" = c(30, 96, 34), 
                     "AdjustedFlag" = c(0, 1, 0))

I'd greatly appreciate any advice or ideas about how to do this in R, preferably using data.table.

CodePudding user response:

A data.table solution:

df_initial[, .(
    Id = Id[.N], Qty = sum(Qty),
    Difference = sum(Difference),
    AdjustedFlag =  (.N > 1)
  ), by = .(grp = rev(cumsum(rev(Type == "A"))))
  ][, grp := NULL][]
#       Id   Qty Difference AdjustedFlag
#    <num> <num>      <num>        <int>
# 1:     1   105         30            0
# 2:     4   325         96            1
# 3:     5   120         34            0

CodePudding user response:

This can be solved by creating a new grouping variable, that groups the rows into the groups you describe, with the idea being to utilize that grouping variable for the desired aggregation.

Instead of having


that new grouping variable should look something like this:

1 2 2 2 3

This is not a data.table solution, but the same logic could be applied there:


df_initial |>
    type2 = ifelse(Type == "A", as.numeric(factor(Type)), 0),
    type2 = cumsum(type2),
    type2 = ifelse(Type == "B", NA, type2)
  ) |>
  fill(type2, .direction = "up") |>
  group_by(type2) |>
    id = max(Id),
    Qty = sum(Qty),
    Difference = sum(Difference),
    AdjustedFlag = as.numeric(n() > 1)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 5
#>   type2    id   Qty Difference AdjustedFlag
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>      <dbl>        <dbl>
#> 1     1     1   105         30            0
#> 2     2     4   325         96            1
#> 3     3     5   120         34            0

CodePudding user response:

Using tidyverse

df_initial %>% 
  mutate(gn = if_else(lag(Type, default = 'A') == 'B' | Type == 'B', 'B', Type), 
                      gr = cumsum(lag(gn, default = 'A') != gn),
                      adjusted = if_else(lag(Type, default = 'A') == 'B' | Type == 'B', 1, 0)) %>% 
                      group_by(gr) %>% 
  summarise(Id = last(Id),
            Qty = sum(Qty),
            Type = 'A', 
            Difference = sum(Difference), 
            Adjusted_flg = max(adjusted)) %>% ungroup()

Here we create an interim dataset that looks like:

  Id Qty Type Difference gn gr  Adjusted
1  1 105    A         30  A  0         0
2  2 110    B         34  B  1         0
3  3 100    B         32  B  1         0
4  4 115    A         30  B  1         1
5  5 120    A         34  A  2         0

And use this to create our final table within the summarise. The gr is a column for indicating a group of values, which is why we group_by it.

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