Hi I have this probably noob question but I haven't touch R in quite a while,
I have this big dataset where each column is the result of measurements in a day (day 1, day2, etc), and the rows are the different treatments replicates. I already managed to make a table with all the means and reduce the data to where I have the treatments as rows and the mean of each day in columns. Now I want to plot this data as scatter or lines but I don't seem to fire out what to use as the aes(x=)
and is there a way to plot them all using a single code and not adding each geom_point()
for each day and treatment.
The following is an example because the data is longer and more complex (24 days and 28 treatments with each 10 replicate total)
How could I plot the data to look like this (Excel image)
Thank you in advance to everyone, any help or feedback would be highly appreciated
treatment day 1 day 2 day 3
1 t1 7.524814 8.330983 6.639391
2 t1 6.056334 6.138648 5.439239
3 t2 4.377818 4.964445 3.990593
4 t1 6.834753 7.070450 5.895462
5 t3 7.378768 8.375725 7.210010
6 t2 4.104087 4.942359 3.589360
7 t2 4.520651 4.775113 3.753422
8 t3 7.875438 8.543303 8.101697
9 t3 7.803648 8.232132 7.073342
Group.1 day 1 day 2 day 3
1 t1 6.805300 7.180027 5.991364
2 t2 4.334185 4.893972 3.777792
3 t3 7.685951 8.383720 7.461683
ggplot() geom_point(mean,aes(x=??,y=mean$"day 1")
CodePudding user response:
There are a couple of ways how you could achieve your task:
- bring your data in long format.
- some data wrangling
df %>%
cols = -treatment,
names_to = "day",
values_to = "values"
) %>%
group_by(treatment, day) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(values)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=day, y=mean, color=treatment, group=treatment))
Version 2
df %>%
cols = -treatment,
names_to = "day",
values_to = "values"
) %>%
group_by(day) %>%
summarise(mean = mean(values)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x=day, y=mean, group=1))
CodePudding user response:
likes data in "long" format. Here is one way to do this for mean
values, you can do the same for sd
df %>%
pivot_longer(cols = -treatment) %>%
group_by(treatment, name = factor(name, unique(name))) %>%
summarise(value = mean(value), .groups = 'drop') %>%
ggplot(aes(name, value, color = treatment, group = treatment)) geom_line()