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jQuery version from WordPress not working with my functions and I can't changed the jQuery vers


I'm working on a website that has a jQuery hosted on their server using version v3.6.0 in WordPress. I worked on a new section and my code works fine with jQuery hosted on Google, but not the version on their website. I downloaded their jQuery and jQuery migrate so I can try to trouble shoot it. I can't figure out how to change my functions so they work.

Here is my working file that works using the jQuery on Google: https://waynegoodman.com/jquery-issue/art-works.html

Here is my working file using the jQuery versions downloaded from their website: https://waynegoodman.com/jquery-issue/art-does-not-work.html

I thought it was a conflict issue, but since I isolated the code, I don't think that is the problem. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

CodePudding user response:

Try replace $('#tabs-0-link').click(); to jQuery('#tabs-0-link').click(); in all your links html don't use $ in onclick attribute

    .trainingWidget {position: relative;max-width: 700px; padding: 0 2%; border: 4px solid #114577; margin: 42px auto; background: #eef6f9; -webkit-border-radius: 12px;-moz-border-radius: 12px;border-radius: 12px; }
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<body bgcolor="#fff">
<div class="trainingWidget">
<h2>Veteran Training Program</h2>
<div class="tableContain" id="tabs">
<ul class="trainingNav">
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<li><a href="#tabs-1" id="tabs-1-link">Tab1</a></li>
 <li><a href="#tabs-2" id="tabs-2-link">Tab2</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs-3" id="tabs-3-link">Tab3</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs-4" id="tabs-4-link">Tab4</a></li>
<div class="tableContain2">
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<td class="n1 trainingTD">
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<div class="trainingCol1"><img src="https://waynegoodman.com/jquery-issue/images/icons/objective.png"></div>
<div class="trainingCol2">
<div class="topLine">VTP</div>
<p>The objective of the Veteran Training Program (“VTP”) is to offer an integrated network of support, academic & real-life education, through which a disabled veteran may develop the foundation of knowledge capable of supporting a career in institutional finance.</p>
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<div class="trainingCol2">
<div class="topLine">Phase 1</div>
<h3>ACADEMIA (60 Days)</h3>
<p>Candidates will transition from military and other obligations to Bancroft, at which point they will study for and complete all FINRA entry-level exams. Candidates will virtually meet weekly with recent graduate trainees via Zoom to define discuss the candidate’s role in corporate and municipal meetings; and conduct trial runs on speaking at corporate meetings. All candidates should be trained in and familiar with Microsoft, One Note, Zoom, Bloomberg, and e-mail correspondence prior to moving to the next phase.</p>
<div class="trainingBtmNav"><a href="#" id="prevBtn1" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; jQuery('#tabs-0-link').click();" data-cf-modified-4410b37bc9d88d4f4d18db14-="">&laquo; PREVIOUS</a> <span class="pipe9">|</span> <a href="#" id="nextBtn1" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; jQuery('#tabs-2-link').click();" data-cf-modified-4410b37bc9d88d4f4d18db14-="">NEXT &raquo</a></div>
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<div class="trainingCol1"><img src="https://waynegoodman.com/jquery-issue/images/icons/phase2.png"></div>
<div class="trainingCol2">
<div class="topLine">Phase 2</div>
<h3>ON-THE-JOB TRAINING (8 Weeks)</h3>
<p>Phase Two of the VTP offers candidates an introduction to each of the five business units that Bancroft operates and the products/services we deliver to our clients. VTP Candidates will rotate across eight desks, spending one week each on the respective desk as they receive an introduction to each product/service. Each week will conclude with a 360° evaluation – Candidate of Instructor(s) & Instructor(s) of Candidate.</p>
<div class="trainingBtmNav"><a href="#" id="prevBtn2" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; jQuery('#tabs-1-link').click();" data-cf-modified-4410b37bc9d88d4f4d18db14-="">&laquo; PREVIOUS</a> <span class="pipe9">|</span> <a href="#" id="nextBtn2" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; jQuery('#tabs-3-link').click();" data-cf-modified-4410b37bc9d88d4f4d18db14-="">NEXT &raquo</a></div>
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<div class="trainingCol1"><img src="https://waynegoodman.com/jquery-issue/images/icons/phase3.png"></div>
<div class="trainingCol2">
<div class="topLine">Phase 3</div>
<h3>CAREER PATH (Remainder of Year 1)</h3>
<p>Based on the evaluation of a candidate’s skills and the candidate’s choice of product or service, a structured work program for an extended internship may be formulated. Candidates and management will determine revenue expectations, service accomplishments, and formulate personal goals. Candidates will make calls to clients in partnership with a product/service manager. Peer evaluations and weekly mentoring discussions will be held with all past graduates of the program and current trainees.</p>
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<div class="trainingCol1"><img src="https://waynegoodman.com/jquery-issue/images/icons/phase4.png"></div>
<div class="trainingCol2">
<div class="topLine">Phase 4</div>
BUSINESS SUPPORT <br>(2 Years)</h3>
<p>Individual account assignment or product responsibilities will be established in an employment position and weekly progress reports will drafted by product or service. Mentoring will continue biweekly as scheduled in advance by candidate-graduate.</p>
<div class="trainingBtmNav"><a href="#" id="prevBtn4" onclick="if (!window.__cfRLUnblockHandlers) return false; jQuery('#tabs-3-link').click();" data-cf-modified-4410b37bc9d88d4f4d18db14-="">&laquo; PREVIOUS</a></div>
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