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Apache rewrite with and without Parameters


I need to rewrite URL's with and without parameters in the URL, I configured a RewriteMap via dbm

kronen-und-gehaeusetuben/wasserdicht-typ-pbbz.html => Produkte/Werke-Uhrenersatzteile/Schraubkronen-PBBZ-wasserdicht/
kronen-und-gehaeusetuben/wasserdicht-typ-pbbz.html?___store=default => Produkte/Werke-Uhrenersatzteile/Schraubkronen-PBBZ-wasserdicht/
kronen-und-gehaeusetuben/wasserdicht-typ-pbbz.html?___store=en => en/Products/Watch-replacement-parts/Watch-crowns/Screw-on-crowns/Screw-on-crowns-PBBZ-waterproof/
kronen-und-gehaeusetuben/wasserdicht-typ-pbbz.html?___store=fr => fr/Produits/Couronnes/Couronnes-vissees/Couronnes-vissees-PBBZ-etanches/
kronen-und-gehaeusetuben/wasserdicht-typ-pbbz.html?___store=es => es/Productos/Movimientos-Piezas/Piezas-de-repuesto-para-relojes/Coronas/Coronas-a-rosca/Coronas-a-rosca-PBBZ-hermeticas/
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
    #ServerName www.example.com
    RewriteMap rewrite_DB "dbm:conf/rewrite.dbm"
    <Directory "/var/www/html">
        Options FollowSymLinks Includes ExecCGI
        AllowOverride All
        DirectoryIndex index.html
        RewriteEngine On
        LogLevel alert rewrite:trace4
        RewriteBase /
        RewriteRule "^(.*html)" "${rewrite_DB:$1|/}" [L,NC,R=301]

It works but how should I handle the parameters like ?___store=default? All HTML files without parameters work but not those with ?___store=default or similar.

CodePudding user response:

RewriteRule "^(.*html)" "${rewrite_DB:$1|/}" [L,NC,R=301]

The RewriteRule pattern only captures the URL-path, which naturally excludes the query string. If you need to pass the entire URL (including the query string) to your rewrite map then consider capturing the value from THE_REQUEST instead, which contains the entire first line of the request, including the query string.

For example, THE_REQUEST server variable contains a string of the form:

GET /kronen-und-gehaeusetuben/wasserdicht-typ-pbbz.html?___store=es HTTP/1.1

So, you would write the rule like the following instead:

RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^[A-Z]{3,7}\s/(. )\sHTTP
RewriteRule \.html$ ${rewrite_DB:%1|/} [L,NC,R=301]

The RewriteRule pattern simply ensures that only .html requests are checked.

You should probably remove the NC flag - by the look of your rewrite map, you are only matching against html (lowercase) anyway?

The %1 (as opposed to $1) backreference contains the captured group from the preceding CondPattern, which is the URL-path and optional query string, less the slash prefix on the URL-path (which is also omitted from your rule).


AllowOverride All

You are allowing .htaccess overrides. If you have mod_rewrite directives in a .htaccess file then they will (by default) completely override the mod_rewrite directives in the <Directory> container in the vHost, so the rewrite map would never be processed.

CodePudding user response:

Just tested it, it seems to work but

werkzeuge-verbrauchsartikel/schraubendreher/hormec-schraubendreher-zubehoer.html?___store=default Produkte/Werkzeuge/Schraubendreher/Hormec-Schraubendreher-Zubehoer/ code here?___store=default

it get correctly redirected to

but the ?___store=default should be removed (or not forwarded)

same for werkzeuge-verbrauchsartikel/schraubendreher/lecureux-elektrische-schraubendreher-zubehoer/lecureux-ersatzklingen.html?___store=en en/Products/Tools/Screwdrivers/Lecureux-screwdrivers-and-accessories/Lecureux-spare-blades/


but the ?___store=en should be removed (or not forwarded)

it work perfect for

werkzeuge-verbrauchsartikel/schraubendreher/lecureux-elektrische-schraubendreher-zubehoer/lecureux-elektrische-schraubendreher.html Produkte/Werkzeuge/Schraubendreher/Lecureux-Schraubendreher-Zubehoer/Lecureux-elektrische-Schraubendreher/

but in the requested URL it no ?___store=XX

thx Matthias

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