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Change property name when converting Powershell object to JSON using ConvertTo-Json?


I have a dataset consisting of a two-dimensional array (flexData[5][2]). I have this defined in my Powershell script as follows:

class flexData {
$flexObj = [flexData]@{dateTime = $(Get-Date); firmwareVersion = 'u031C'; flexData = @(@(0, 1), @(320, 17), @(45, 36), @(0, 0))}

The problem with this is that the output object that ConvertTo-Json spits out is hard to read:

  "dateTime": "2021-10-11T13:58:25.0937842 02:00",
  "firmwareVersion": "u031C",
  "flexData": [

Is there a way to instead of using a single key name and two-dimensional arrays, to instead convert this to flexData0, flexData1 ... flexData4 and keep my actual data as single-dimensional arrays? I could obviously do this by manually defining my class as:

class flexData {

But is there a smarter way of doing this? Especially since I would also like to make a third-dimension of my array to store multiple iterations of flexData?

CodePudding user response:

You could add a constructor to your flexData class that creates an object from the top-level array instead:

class flexData {

    flexData([DateTime]$dateTime, [string]$firmwareVersion, [string[][]]$flexData){
        $this.dateTime = $dateTime
        $this.firmwareVersion = $firmwareVersion

        # Create object from nested array
        $dataProperties = [ordered]@{}
        for($i = 0; $i -lt $flexData.Length; $i  ){
            $dataProperties["$i"] = $flexData[$i]
        $this.flexData = [pscustomobject]$dataProperties

Now, the individual outer array items will be listed as properties named 0 through (N-1):

PS ~> $data = [flexData]::new($(Get-Date), 'u031C', @(@(0, 1), @(320, 17), @(45, 36), @(0, 0)))
PS ~> $data |ConvertTo-Json
  "dateTime": "2021-10-11T14:21:48.4026882 02:00",
  "firmwareVersion": "u031C",
  "flexData": {
    "0": [
    "1": [
    "2": [
    "3": [
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