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calculating the prediction ratio for a logistic regression


I want to calculate the prediction ratio

I have predicted a logistic regression, and I also have a dataset of the observation of another variable.

I want to calculate the correctly predicted ratio.

I have recorded the prediction like this

glm9 = glm(v172 ~ age, family=binomial (link="logit"), data=france)

pre10<-predict(glm9, germany, type="terms")
prediction <- ifelse (pre10 >=1, 1, 0)

   0    1 
 305 5039

The results I have predicted is a value, but the observation value is a variable in a dataframe

I want to have a table that looks like this:

  0    1
0 182 63

1 24  32

CodePudding user response:

I think you want something like this. I used mtcars because I didn't have your data.

glm9 <- glm(am ~ cyl, family=binomial (link="logit"), data=mtcars)
prob <- predict(glm9, type = "response")
prediction <- ifelse(prob < 0.5, 0, 1)
with(mtcars, table(am, prediction)

Which gives:

     0  1
  0 16  3
  1  5  8
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  • r lm
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