Home > Blockchain >  how to add multiple users and afterwards add them to groups in linux using bash script
how to add multiple users and afterwards add them to groups in linux using bash script


I have a txt file called Usernames.txt with such information (name followed by group type). E.g. (These are the few instances as there are way more inputs.)



In the script show below, I attempted to add each line's name as a user and allocate each new user to its respective groups. However I have encountered this error. And the output is not what I had in mind. I hope someone can help me out, thanks.

Basically this is what I want to do but for every single lines in the txt file. E.g. sudo useradd bobstercaramelize(which is the name of user) and sudo usermod -a -G staff bobstercaremelize.


createUsers.sh: line 4: $'[visitor\r': command not found


while read line; do
arrIN=(${line//,/ })
if [${arrIN[1]} = "visitor" ]; then
  sudo useradd ${arrIN[0]}
  sudo usermod -a -G  visitors ${arrIN[0]}
 sudo useradd ${arrIN[0]}
 sudo usermod -a -G staff ${arrIN[0]}
done < Usernames.txt

CodePudding user response:

First, the error seems to stem from a missing space: [${arrIN[1]} = "visitor" ] needs to be [ ${arrIN[1]} = "visitor" ]. Note the space between [ and ${arrIN[1]}.

Second, the \r in the error message indicates that there might be an issue with the line endings of your Usernames.txt file. Try to save it with Unix/Linux line endings (i.e. each line should be terminated by \n only).

Third, you might want to consider parsing the file's contents differently:

while IFS=, read user group; do
    if [ "${group}" = "visitor" ]; then
        sudo useradd "${user}"
        sudo usermod -a -G  visitors "${user}"
        sudo useradd "${user}"
        sudo usermod -a -G staff "${user}"
done < Usernames.txt

This way, read does the splitting for you, making things easier, more precise and more readable. I also added double quotes where advisable.

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  • bash
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