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Implement a queue with push(x), pop() and a pop_max() method


I came across a question like this: Implement a queue with push(x), pop() and a pop_max() method.

the pop_max() function should pop the largest element following the FIFO rules.

e.g: Before pop_max(): front-> 2,3,4,5,1,5

After pop_max(): front-> 2,3,4,1,5

Below are some of my tries.

  1. implement it with basic queue, find the max element with an O(n) scan using a support queue.

    pop()/push() is O(1), pop_max() should be O(n).

  2. implement it with a double linked list and a monotonic stack.

    pop()/pop_max() is O(1), push() should be O(n).

Does somebody knows that what would be the way to do this with minimum time complexity? I've read this Implement a queue in which push_rear(), pop_front() and get_min() are all constant time operations, the method it provides does not seem to suit this scene.

CodePudding user response:

By request, here’s a somewhat detailed answer on why I believe that there’s a solution with worst-case O(1) pushes and pops and O(log n) pop-maxes. It’s freaking complicated, and you don’t need to understand it for interviews. Really. I’m writing this answer mostly to entertain the [algorithm] tag regulars.


n is the number of elements currently in the structure, and p is the number of pushes in the lifetime of the structure. Clearly n ≤ p, and in general, log p is not O(log n).

Tournament trees

The main building block is the tournament tree. A tournament tree is a full binary tree (every node has zero or two children) with labeled nodes such that each node with two children labeled x and y is labeled max(x, y). Semantically, the contents of this data structure are the labels of nodes with zero children (leaves). If you’re confused, look at a complete bracket for a single-elimination tournament.

The useful thing about tournament trees is that we can order the leaves any which way we want. For this problem, we want queue order. The root element gives the overall max label. To find the leftmost leaf with that label, repeatedly descend to the left child if it’s labeled the same as the current node, else the right node. To soft-delete a leaf, set its value to −∞ and update its ancestors from parent to root.

Amortized O(1) pushes and worst-case O(log p) pop-maxes

There are better ways to accomplish this in practice, but our goal here is to demonstrate ideas.

We keep a linked list of O(log p) tournament trees. Concatenated, their leaves represent the queue. Each tree is a complete binary tree with 2k leaves (soft-deleted elements are included in the count) for some integer k ≥ 0.

The push operation resembles adding one to a number in binary representation. We put the new element in a tournament tree by itself and append that tree to the list. While the last two trees in the list have the same size, combine them into a single tree by making the second to last the left child and the last the right child of a new tree.

The pop-max operation scans the tree roots to find the overall max, then soft-deletes the leftmost occurrence.

Worst-case O(1) pushes

We can be lazier about merging trees. Instead of finishing the merge loop immediately, we keep a queue of continuations. Each continuation can be represented as a mutable pointer to a tree in the list. To step it, we compare the size of the tree to the size of its left neighbor; if they’re the same, then merge the trees and update the pointer to the merged tree. Otherwise, the continuation is done.

The push operation appends a singleton tree, appends a continuation pointing to that tree to the back of the queue, and then continues the work at the front for a couple steps. At any given time, there will be O(log p) merges to be continued, so pop-max still runs fast enough. (This follows from the amortized analysis.)

Regular pops

We can implement the pop operation in time worst-case time O(log p) by adding a doubly linked list structure to the tournament tree leaves not yet deleted. The tournaments use soft deletion; this list uses hard deletion.

Obviously we want pops to run in constant time. We can get constant amortized time by splitting the leftmost tournament tree until it has one element before soft-deleting (with some sort of barrier to ensure that the merging continuations from before leave this prefix alone).

Worst-case constant time should be possible with more scheduling like we did for push.

Worst-case O(log n) pop-maxes

Never mind hand-waving, at this point it’s basically my whole arms. Our strategy is to limit the effective value of p to O(n) by periodically rebuilding the whole structure in the background. This means issuing pop operations to the rebuild and remembering how far we are in the rebuild so that we can issue pop-maxes if needed. Assuming that we do multiple pushes on the rebuild with every operation, we’ll finish before pops and pop-maxes can decrease the element count by more than a constant fraction.

Open questions

I’m sure that there’s a cleaner way to accomplish all this. What is it?

CodePudding user response:

First let's argue for a target running time. We can use this abstract data type to sort an n-element list with n pushes followed by n pop-maxes. Assuming generic comparable elements, since the fastest possible comparison sort is Θ(n log n), the worst-case push/pop-max pair must be Ω(log n).

One way to get an O(log n) worst case for all three operations is implemented in C below. With amortized accounting, we can make pushes O(log n) and pops and pop-maxes free.

This does leave the question of whether we can get worst-case O(1) pushes, O(1) pops, and O(log n) pop-maxes. I'm confident that the answer is yes, but the solution that I have in mind is rather complicated, involving scheduled maintenance of O(log n) tournament trees on segments of the queue whose sizes decrease geometrically.

#include <list>
#include <map>

template <typename T> class QueueWithPopMax {
  void Push(T element) {
    typename std::list<ListElement>::iterator back =
        list_.insert(list_.end(), ListElement{});
    back->iterator = multimap_.insert({element, back});

  T Pop() {
    T element = list_.front().iterator->first;
    return element;

  T PopMax() {
    T element = multimap_.begin()->first;
    return element;

  struct ListElement {
    typename std::multimap<T, typename std::list<ListElement>::iterator,
                           std::greater<T>>::iterator iterator;
  std::multimap<T, typename std::list<ListElement>::iterator, std::greater<T>>
  std::list<ListElement> list_;

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  QueueWithPopMax<int> queue;
  std::cout << queue.PopMax() << "\n";
  std::cout << queue.Pop() << "\n";
  std::cout << queue.Pop() << "\n";
  std::cout << queue.Pop() << "\n";
  std::cout << queue.Pop() << "\n";
  std::cout << queue.Pop() << "\n";
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