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Is Rxjs timer stop working when user move to another window?


I am setting a 60 seconds countdown with rxjs timer on Angular 11. It works fine when I keep that window open. But if I move away (click another tab of the same browser), the timer stops itself after several seconds. There's one time that I wait 3 minutes and get back and see there's 36 seconds left. How is that happening and is there a way to avoid that?

Related function on ts file:

countdown: number = 59;
countdownMapping: any = {
        '=9'   : '0#',
        '=8'   : '0#',
        '=7'   : '0#',
        '=6'   : '0#',
        '=5'   : '0#',
        '=4'   : '0#',
        '=3'   : '0#',
        '=2'   : '0#',
        '=1'   : '0#',
        '=0'   : '0#',
        'other': '#'

resetResendTimer(clicked) {
        if (this.countdownActive === false) {
            this.countdownActive = true;
            if (clicked) {
            // Trigger endCountdown after the countdown
            timer(1000, 1000)
                    finalize(() => {
                    takeWhile(() => this.countdown > 0),
                    tap(() => this.countdown--)

Related function on html file:

Resend verification code 
<span *ngIf="countdownActive">
    (0:{{countdown | i18nPlural: countdownMapping }})

CodePudding user response:

i've seen this behavior on Chrome and it's not related to RXJS, I think it's related to some restrictions applied on background tabs for more performance.

Every tab has a timer budget and this timer task is allowed to run only when the time budget is non-negative.

check more details here https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/03/background_tabs#budget-based_background_timer_throttling

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