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Cookies problem using web application asp net core


I am working with a shopping cart application. I have developed an application that maintains user shopping carts using cookies. It was working perfectly until I have made some UI changes and now it is not working now I have no clue what I have done wrong because I am maintaining the cookies through c# backend code no interruption with the front end only reading these cookies and passing them into view model to show on cart panel. Here is my code



Adding Items to Cart

public JsonResult AddToShoppingCart(UserProductVM model)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.SelectedSize))
                    return Json(new { status = false, msg = "Please select size to proceed." });
                var result = ShoppingCartHelper.GetShoppingCartList(model, _httpContextAccessor);
                if (result.Status <= 0)
                    return Json(new { status = false, msg = result.Message });
                Response.Cookies.Append("ShoppingCart", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result.Data));
                return Json(new { status = true, msg = "Success! added to shopping cart." });
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Json(new { status = false, msg = ex.Message.ToString() });

Reading From Cart

public static string GetShoppingCartFromCookies(IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor)
            return _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext?.Request?.Cookies["ShoppingCart"]?.ToString();

Every Thing was working fine and now nothing works no cookies are added to the cookies list. This is the same code I have also the backup my application and when I run that application cookies are working perfectly but the problem is that it is with the old design I am not using that UI design anymore. This is the same code working in one application but not working with another application with a different UI.

CodePudding user response:

Have you added the IHttpContextAccessor to dependency container ?

services.TryAddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();

CodePudding user response:

I have resolved my issue. The problem was basically I was adding base64 image string which was not working. When I comment on this line it worked perfectly no need to change any code.

 public static GenericResponseDTO<List<ShoppingCartViewModel>> GetShoppingCartList(UserProductVM model, IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor)
            var shoppingcartmodel = new List<ShoppingCartViewModel>();
            var cartmodel = new ShoppingCartViewModel
                RestaurantId = model.RestaurantId,
                SubCategoryId = model.SubCategoryId,
                RestaurantSubCategoryId = model.RestaurantSubCategoryId,
                OrderGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Quantity = model.Quantity,
                //ItemImage = model.ItemImage,
                SelectedSize = model.SelectedSize.Split('-')[0],
                SingleItemPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(model.SelectedSize.Split('-')[1]),
                SubCategoryName = model.SubCategoryName,
                TotalItemPrice = (model.Quantity * Convert.ToDecimal(model.SelectedSize.Split('-')[1]))
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(GetShoppingCartFromCookies(_httpContextAccessor)))
                shoppingcartmodel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<ShoppingCartViewModel>>(GetShoppingCartFromCookies(_httpContextAccessor));
                if (shoppingcartmodel.Any(x => x.RestaurantSubCategoryId == model.RestaurantSubCategoryId))
                    return new GenericResponseDTO<List<ShoppingCartViewModel>> { Data = new List<ShoppingCartViewModel>(), Status = -1, Message = "Item is alreay exists in your cart please remove and add another." };
            return new GenericResponseDTO<List<ShoppingCartViewModel>> { Data = shoppingcartmodel, Status = 1 };

I have commented on the ItemImage line and it works like a charm. Maybe it helps someone else problem.

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