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Currency turn youdao: currency pressure callback situation nervous again today to have ten thousand


Currency turn youdao: currency pressure callback situation nervous again today to have ten thousand yuan?
[currency circle youdao trick myriad]

Trick millions, currency circle youdao, currency circle youdao said, listen to the wind, rain, together to listen to the market situation, tell me something about the elusive gold, together to deliver the most valuable for the friends of the currency of money market information,

Youdao remarks: investment is a long way, you must learn to cool, market the technology and the news is full of contradictions, often need to talk less to listen more, no matter how are you today hard, fallen leaves will float down tomorrow, this capricious market, impermanence is the norm of the capital market, to learn to get accustomed to adapt to this impermanence,

Currency turn youdao: currency pressure callback situation nervous again today to have ten thousand yuan?

Today the currency market analysis:

Charts, COINS, line level yesterday closed out a small Yang, with longer today so far prices have managed a continuous 5, the overall situation is still strong, price trend is still towards upward, but it is above 9600 near the suppression is also very strong, the price in the short term to break through 9600 and stabilization is also not too easy, the K line is still running on the cloth forest near the rail, the shape of the cloth forest present open upward posture, 5 - day moving average the price of attack on maintain posture support near 9460,

Currency turn youdao: currency pressure callback situation nervous again today to have ten thousand yuan?

The currency market strategy today:

BTC: arena near 0-1950 to 9520, more than single, check of 9600-9620, 9450; stop

Arena, 2960-9620, an empty list, check of 9540-9500, stop above 9660,

Wen/currency circle youdao

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