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Create new column between two elements and between() python


I have a data frame data_set and two infos important in a list

cond_list = [{'LQ','DA'},{'HJ','OP'}].

Report all information between the two values LQ and DA OR HJ and OP in new column 'Another Pass' and which condition in the same day and same id.


Let i, j correspond to the Rank of LQ and DA respective. i<j

  • ID 1552, date 1/4/2020, we have Info['LQ'] correspond to Rank = 1 and Info['DA'] correspond to Rank = 4 --> So all information 'Another pass' include [LA, BA] because Rank DA < Rank LA, Rank BA < Rank LQ

  • ID 1552, date 5/4/2020, we have Info['LQ'] correspond to Rank = 3 and Info['DA'] correspond to Rank = 7 --> So all information 'Another pass' include [VT,AN,VB] because Rank DA < Rank VT, Rank AN, Rank VB < Rank LQ

  • ID 1697, date 15/4/2020, we have Info['LQ'] correspond to Rank = 1 and Info['DA'] correspond to Rank = 4 but there is no information in between these two points so 'Another pass' is empty


ID Date Rank Info Horaire Type Note
1552 1/4/2020 1 LQ 10:00 D LVM
1552 1/4/2020 1 LQ 10:10 A LVM
1552 1/4/2020 2 LA 10:12 P
1552 1/4/2020 3 BA 10:15 P
1552 1/4/2020 4 DA 10:25 A LVD
1552 5/4/2020 1 DT 11:30 D
1552 5/4/2020 2 GR 11:33 P
1552 5/4/2020 3 LQ 11:35 D LDT
1552 5/4/2020 3 LQ 11:38 A
1552 5/4/2020 4 VT 11:40 P
1552 5/4/2020 5 AN 11:43 P
1552 5/4/2020 6 VB 11:46 P
1552 5/4/2020 7 DA 11:55 A LDF
1552 5/4/2020 7 DA 11:59 D
1552 5/4/2020 8 AT 12:15 A
1697 15/4/2020 1 HJ 10:00 D LVM
1697 15/4/2020 4 OP 11:00 A LVM

i filtered a table of values containing only two condition elements:

mask = df.groupby(['ID', 'Date'])['Info'].agg(set).apply(lambda x: any([y.issubset(x) for y in cond_list]))
data_set = df.set_index(['ID', 'Date']).loc[mask].reset_index()
dt_final = data_set.loc[data_set['Info'].isin(cond.values.ravel())]

I gain a new data frame 'dt_final':

ID Date Rank Info Horaire Type Note
1552 1/4/2020 1 LQ 10:00 D LVM
1552 1/4/2020 1 LQ 10:10 A LVM
1552 1/4/2020 4 DA 10:25 A LVD
1552 5/4/2020 3 LQ 11:35 D LDT
1552 5/4/2020 3 LQ 11:38 A
1552 5/4/2020 7 DA 11:55 A LDF
1552 5/4/2020 7 DA 11:59 D
1697 15/4/2020 1 HJ 10:00 D LVM
1697 15/4/2020 4 OP 11:00 A LVM

I say an array of values 'Rank':

cd = dt_final.groupby(["ID", "Date"])["Rank"].agg(list).tolist()

i filter the values in between:

for i in cd:
    pr['Another Pass'] = data_set.loc[data_set.Rank.between(i[0],i[-1])].groupby(['ID', 'Date ']).agg({'Info':list})

Although it declares all information by the same date and same id, not the required values between two points in the condition cond_list and like a example :(

CodePudding user response:

Since the same ID and Date cannot have both sets of values, you can try:

cond_list = [{'LQ','DA'},{'HJ','OP'}]
firsts = [s[0] for s in cond_list]
lasts = [s[-1] for s in cond_list]

another_pass= df.groupby(["ID", "Date"])
                .apply(lambda x: x[x["Rank"].between(x[x["Info"].isin(firsts)]["Rank"].min(), 
                .rename("Another Pass")

>>> output

ID    Date     
1552  1/4/2020         [LA, BA]
      5/4/2020     [VT, AN, VB]
1697  15/4/2020              []

If you want to merge this back to your original DataFrame to create the new column:

output = df.merge(another_pass, left_on = ["ID", "Date"], right_index=True)

>>> output

      ID       Date  Rank Info Horaire Type Note  Another Pass
0   1552   1/4/2020     1   LQ   10:00    D  LVM      [LA, BA]
1   1552   1/4/2020     1   LQ   10:10    A  LVM      [LA, BA]
2   1552   1/4/2020     2   LA   10:12    P  NaN      [LA, BA]
3   1552   1/4/2020     3   BA   10:15    P  NaN      [LA, BA]
4   1552   1/4/2020     4   DA   10:25    A  LVD      [LA, BA]
5   1552   5/4/2020     1   DT   11:30    D  NaN  [VT, AN, VB]
6   1552   5/4/2020     2   GR   11:33    P  NaN  [VT, AN, VB]
7   1552   5/4/2020     3   LQ   11:35    D  LDT  [VT, AN, VB]
8   1552   5/4/2020     3   LQ   11:38    A  NaN  [VT, AN, VB]
9   1552   5/4/2020     4   VT   11:40    P  NaN  [VT, AN, VB]
10  1552   5/4/2020     5   AN   11:43    P  NaN  [VT, AN, VB]
11  1552   5/4/2020     6   VB   11:46    P  NaN  [VT, AN, VB]
12  1552   5/4/2020     7   DA   11:55    A  LDF  [VT, AN, VB]
13  1552   5/4/2020     7   DA   11:59    D  NaN  [VT, AN, VB]
14  1552   5/4/2020     8   AT   12:15    A  NaN  [VT, AN, VB]
15  1697  15/4/2020     1   HJ   10:00    D  LVM            []
16  1697  15/4/2020     4   OP   11:00    A  LVM            []

For the required rows from the output, you can do:

>>> output[((output["Info"].isin(["LQ", "HJ"])) & 
            (output["Type"]=="D")) | 
           ((output["Info"].isin(["DA", "OP"])) & 

      ID       Date  Rank Info Horaire Type Note  Another Pass
0   1552   1/4/2020     1   LQ   10:00    D  LVM      [LA, BA]
4   1552   1/4/2020     4   DA   10:25    A  LVD      [LA, BA]
7   1552   5/4/2020     3   LQ   11:35    D  LDT  [VT, AN, VB]
12  1552   5/4/2020     7   DA   11:55    A  LDF  [VT, AN, VB]
15  1697  15/4/2020     1   HJ   10:00    D  LVM            []
16  1697  15/4/2020     4   OP   11:00    A  LVM            []
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