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[the money] June 19 COINS COINS interval drop-off arrange, will be a strong counterattack.


[note] : cash team on technical analysis, an objective analysis of currency, seeking truth from facts, not fraud, pay attention to practical trading skills, band grab, trend spot layout, super short term contracts, reasonable ratio of capital investment, aimed to provide technical analysis service for money friends, to create their own brands,

[the money] heart trends and analysis to the valuable information! Focus from the perspective of K line form grope for market analysis of market trends, hope the price value, value it!

[information] today:
Longhash reported that the currency options market this year has experienced explosive growth, until early 2019, the currency market is mainly by the spot and futures exchange, and this year, gray COINS trust such investment institutions and Deribit options exchange volume and open interest, such as a rapid growth in both options, as well as institutional market a variety of data, or the view of major financial institutions such as Goldman sachs suggests that professional traders and investors trading activity is increasing, the trend of shift may also be in the long term impact on the currency market volatility,
Review [market] :

大盘昨晚短时向下,一度跌破9300美金后快速反弹,目前维持在9300-9500美金窄幅区间内整理走势,BTC自6月11日从1万美金开启下跌走势后,目前处于反弹中继的位置,走势受到下降趋势线的压制,反弹是不及预期的,量能也同步萎缩,小时级别和4小时级别MA均线再次黏合向下发散,整体走势偏空,日内关注9300美金的支撑,再次跌破后,可能导致二次探底的风险, [技术分析]:日线级别的图上昨日K线一根阴十字星结尾,价格上行力度逐渐减弱,而上方阻力有下移的迹象,目前价格在9280位置反弹之后,又在尝试站稳9400,但上方阻力重重,所以持币者建议不要追涨,做好再度受阻回落的准备,上方阻力关注中轨9530位置,若能打破站稳,那么行情的跌势将会消散,多头压制空头,价格还会进一步上行,短期周期四小时级别的图上看,布林带保持收口姿态,上方各均线在9400位置附近形成阻力网,所以价格想要站稳9400,难度可想而知,目前关注9400位置得失,若不能稳定在9400位置,那么价格将会再度会回落,进一步下行将会去到9050位置附近,若能重新站稳9400,那么上方关注9500-9600压制位置, [综上来看],整体的走势仍是一个区间震荡,只是区间有点下移,所以操作建议依旧是高空低多,上方关注阻力9600,下方支撑关注9250, [ btc操作策略]: 9350位置附近多单进场,止损9260,止盈看9500,价格触及9500位置附近空单进场,止损9560,止盈看9350-9300,若在进一步下行跌破9250位置,继续跟进空单,止盈看到9100位置,

Market fast changing, real-time operation will be subject to plate, the content of the information and data from publicly available data, accurate and reliable,

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