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Currency circle is hao: BTC led sideways strategy followed up with a slight sideways ETC night low m


[BTC quotation analysis]

Level from four hours illustrated metrics, MA5 ma strong breakthrough MA10 suppression run on top of daily average line, ROLL in the open form, MACD red bull energy column is moderate, is relatively slow, Bai Pan today did not have the too big fluctuations, K line in the gold line above 0.618 shocks sideways, short-term support level at 9500, down 9800, night operations are Howe recommend to give priority to, more low

[the ETH quotation analysis]

Illustrated indicators can be seen that the ETH currency to fell rapidly after location near $246 to $243 began with BTC similar gold line near horizontal sideways above 0.618, MACD line speed is dead fork upward run, MA5 ma had a tendency to fall back, under the condition of insufficient BTC drive on ETH momentum also don't hold out much longer, short-term suppression at around 246, down 248.

In v. : BTC with low ETH night operation Suggestions is given priority to,

[BTC operation recommendations]

Suggest a near 9700-9750 empty entry stop 50-100 check of 9600

Suggest a near 9500-9550 more in stop 50-100 point check surplus at 9650-9700

[the ETH operation recommendations]

Propose more single entry stops near 240.5 three point check the second goal of 245 247

Strategies are for reference only market rapidly changing specific also will be subject to is hao real-time guidance
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