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[the money] the etheric fang on June 23, the ETH may continue to be strong?


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Cash/ETH market review:

晚间以太坊瀑布式走低刷新了前期低点,凌晨顺势砸盘以太坊,最低点到216附近,这个出乎意料,从小时图上看以太坊21点开始瀑布式下跌,在今天早间2点,行情稍微反弹,可是并没有站稳下轨(225)一线,之后迅速的下滑,目前行情贴近MA5均线运行,持币者[行情分析] 从日线图来看,连续4日币价在下跌,昨日币价收盘价跌到下轨(221)附近,布林带向下运行,支撑位也跟随向下移动,MA5均线向下穿过MA10均线形成死叉向下发散,MACD指标空头量能向下运行,KDJ指标中,J线和K线穿过D线形成死叉,三线向下发散运行,从4小时线来看,布林带急速开口,行情在昨天20点触及下轨,之后刺破下轨(223)一线,MA5和MA10均线拐头向下发散,MACD快线和慢线逐步向下运行,空头量能缓慢放量,RSI快线在进入超卖区后快速反弹需求调整,KDJ指标中K线和D线粘和运行,J线向下缓慢运行,整体以太仍然是一个偏向空头的走势,白盘有震荡调整的需求,

Generally present hour figure running turmoil in 217-222 line, see if today can stand a line 220,

Market fast changing, real-time operation will be subject to plate, the content of the information and data from publicly available data, accurate and reliable,

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