The company I work for has recently moved from Office 2016 to M365. Some of our macro-enabled spreadsheets use bracketed expressions as a shortcut to the Application.Evaluate method. For example:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim msg As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler:
If Target.Columns.Count > 100 Then
Dim row As Range
For Each row In Target.Rows
RemoveRowBorders row:=row.row, firstColumn:=[colSourceDevice], lastColumn:=[colItemNumber]
UpdateItemNumbers startingRow:=[rowStart], maxRange:=[maxRange]
GoTo My_Exit
End If
If Target.Column >= [colSourceDevice] And Target.Column <= [colItemNumber] Then
SetCalculations cellRange:=Target
End If
Exit Sub
msg = "An error occurred on cell auto-update: " & vbNewLine & Err.Description
MsgBox msg
Resume My_Exit
End Sub
"colSourceDevice" is a named range/object that refers to a formula that returns the column number and the bracketed expression is a shortcut to call the Application.Evaluate method. The formula referred to in "colSourceDevice" is:
=VALUE(COLUMN('HS - Main'!$A$2))
In Excel 2016, the bracketed expression returns the column number (Variant/Double).
In M365 Excel the bracketed expression returns an array (Variant/Variant) with one item (Variant/Double).
In M365 Excel, this results in a Type mismatch error.
I can use the object model approach instead of the bracketed expression and get the intended result:
Application.Evaluate("colSourceDevice")(1) 'returns column number (Variant/Double)
Why does the square bracketed expression return a different data type in M365 vs Excel 2016?
As chris neilsen alluded to, there was a major change to the Excel calculation engine in 2018.
This exhibits the behaviour you describe
What it's actually doing is returning a Dynamic Array of 1 element.
To return that value as a Variant, modify the Named range by wrapping it in INDEX
colSourceDevice2 Refers to = =INDEX(COLUMN(),1,1)
The result is now what you want
All that said, this is a band aid fix for some ill-conceived code. My advise: refactor your code to eliminate this and other bad practices.