I'm trying to restructure the data I get from graphql base on its Date value. I will map that array to display some type of feed or a list of the next events. Dates don't carry out any importance here it is just grouping and in sample data, I replaced the long date formating with days to make it easier.
So here is a sample Data:
"__typename": "Session",
"date": "Monday",
"id": "6180da7e1478f62322df638b",
"__typename": "Session",
"date": "Wednesday",
"id": "6180da7f1478f62322df638c",
"__typename": "Session",
"date": "Wednesday",
"id": "6180da7f1478f62322df638d",
I'm trying to create a new array with
"date": "Monday",
"__typename": "Session",
"date": "Monday",
"id": "6180da7e1478f62322df638b",
"date": "Wednesday",
"sessions": [
"__typename": "Session",
"date": "Wednesday",
"id": "6180da7f1478f62322df638c",
"__typename": "Session",
"date": "Wednesday",
"id": "6180da7f1478f62322df638d",
I have tried array.reduce(), but no luck so far, anybody has any suggestion?
CodePudding user response:
Not the fanciest solution, but it should work
const mapped = {};
sampleData.forEach((d) => {
mapped[d.date] = mapped[d.date] || {
date: d.date,
sessions: [],
const mappedArray = Object.values(mapped);
CodePudding user response:
I am trying to solve this issue, by the below code.
Step 1:- Import the lodash lib and group the item based on Date from an array
var _ = require("lodash");
let grouped = array.reduce((total, item) => {
(total[item.date] = total[item.date] || []).push(item);
return total;
}, {});
Step 2:- Combined the grouped array into new Object
const combinedArray = array.map((item) => {
let combinedArray = { date: item.date, sessions: grouped[item.date] };
return combinedArray;
Step 3:- Remove the duplicates using lodash (there is another javascript function also available)
let result = _.uniqBy(combinedArray, "date");
CodePudding user response:
You can use this function to group by a key in the array;
const groupBy = (array, key) => {
const grouped = array.reduce((result, currentValue) => {
(result[currentValue[key]] = result[currentValue[key]] || []).push(
return result;
}, {});