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How many knowledge to learn to be a block chain engineer


Block chain engineer industry status quo
Block has become increasingly accepted by the public familiar and chain, technology developers, but blocks throughout the industry chain is very rare, from the point of recruitment information above the retractor,

A block chain technology developers, is very popular, although had not in dubai in the morning, at night the life of the local tyrants, but the salary, salary of 50 w is more than the vast majority of people in China, a well-off life is not to run, so, how much knowledge to learn, can be a block chain technology engineers, to live a well-off life, at your earliest convenience

What you have to learn some
To be a block chain technology engineer, you must start to learn about the basic knowledge of chain blocks, so the first thing to learn different block chain terms and dictionaries, basically, block chain definition, workflow, decentralization, consensus agreement, intelligent contract is the beginning of things, in the process, also relatively easy,

Master the basic knowledge is not enough, of course, we also need to learn the development language of block chain technology, (this is the positive food) at present, the block chain technology (represented by the currency) from 1.0 to 2.0 (represented by the etheric fang), in 2.0 of the general framework, main points and main chain and chain block application development two parts,

The main language of the development of the main chain have go language, c + +, Java, etc., such as COINS the main development language is c + +, the etheric fang and super Hyperledger main development language books were go,

Existing in the technical scheme of the main chain, the language is used most, of course, there are some new chain adopted some new language such as rust, block chain application development is the common development of intelligent contracts, the development of intelligent contract language is not the same in the main chain, we in the etheric fang, for example, the most widely used intelligence development language is solidity contract, this is a high-level language like Java,

So want to be a block chain is the basic process of the engineer, first of all, we need to learn the language, learn to go before we can write main chain program? The answer is possible, realistic environment is 99% of programmers make uncertain,

Active development of solidity ecological

Junior engineers, of course, you just want to be a block chain, that is enough, but think it will take further study application development, such as learning THE basic grammar of solidity, then according to THE specific application scenario for THE development and application, however, because THE etheric fang is support turing-complete, so when you write applications need to be careful, or else a carelessly loopholes, THE famous "THE DAO" event is THE programmer made a small mistake,

By rights, should be the first to study the development of the main chain, and then to study the application of the above, however, the main chain of the application development is relatively more image, more interesting, more easy to obtain, so also can first study application development, there are some intuitive feelings to gradually after the crack on the main chain,

Have learned something
At this point, you are already a block chain engineer, but it's not good, if you want to become an excellent engineer, block chain chain technology principle, you also want to learn more about blocks here, you need to learn knowledge of cryptography, consensus algorithm of p2p network, higher mathematics and modern algebra, discrete mathematics, graph theory and other mathematical basis, and includes such as computer components, compiling principle, computer networks, data structures, operating systems, algorithms, design patterns, and basic computer, such as network security, solidity learning object-oriented programming, the etheric fang application development, deployment, testing, then study the development of the main chain, in order to better learning, let's learn the etheric, the currency of the source code to achieve, in the end, we need to complete the design and implementation of their own main chain and application development,

In general, a game of block chain engineer, need to know both industry domain knowledge, and familiar with the industry application of the technical architecture, also deep understanding to block chain technology,


Is the current block chain talents is roughly divided into two categories:

1, do one or two block chain project, but didn't complete with a project, proficient in Java or go, English is quite good, does not require the international background, nor require school background or education, this kind of talent once recruited, salary is roughly between 300000-600000,

2, from beginning to end in block chain of the entire life cycle of the agreement, the technical points of the control is in place, if have experience in architect, even worse, such a talented person, the market price is in 1 million, and for this kind of talent, companies usually will give to the stock and options,

See this, don't you go to buy a "XX based from entry to master language zero"?
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