Home > Blockchain >  The ETH active address number down 12.33% compared with yesterday
The ETH active address number down 12.33% compared with yesterday


As of August 13, BTC active address number is 809000, down 8.74% compared with yesterday; Trading in the chain of 323100, down 6.34% compared with yesterday; BTC chain of more than 100 pieces of the wholesale transfer of 913, down 18.77% compared with yesterday, ETH active address number is 562900, down 12.33% compared with yesterday,

, according to wave Boboo.com trading big data as of August 14, 9, BTC sustainable contract price is $11776.4, $26.49 higher than the spot price ($11749.91), the contract price keep premium status, yesterday ($10.41) a sharp rise in premium,

Long-short position ratio 2.33, a slight drop in the yesterday (2.74); Sustainable contract money rate is 0.0070%, is yesterday (0.0073%), less volatile,

[quotation analysis]

Last night over currency prices began to rise to 11700, and briefly hit $11800, now gradually began to fall, the rise of rhythm and our analysis is the same, after the end of the first wave of fall began to rebound to above 11600, around $11500, then further depth below the $11400 of a double-dip recession, the actual market more deep, a double-dip position below the $11300, then again rebounded to near $11500 entwine, pull speed up straight at $11800 in the morning today,

Actually we can also see that the currency's rise in the morning today is completely under the guidance of the Eth on blunt, Eth once high break through $430, 415 through the current is still above the $420, making the next wave of impact, this is the current market is so the benefits of differentiation, mainstream currency and Defi, when the mainstream coin pin money preference in Defi side, and Defi panic after funds transferred to mainstream currency party, both sides each other palm, calculate overall is still relatively healthy,

Today must want to participate in the wait a retracement level, can see the first 2 day is deep dip, so don't try so hard, today see first $11500 of support, will have the chance to go to rush, look at at least 11800 at the top of the probability of the spring scenery,

Remarks: grass boat borrow arrow story tells us: method is very important! No wind, the method fails, no zhuge liang, the meter, no one can make the mood is bad, thousand arrows still hard to borrow, start make arrows bungle fighter, missed opportunities moulds failure,

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