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Long-short position 2.43 bull was overwhelming



According to big data show that as of August 15, 9:00, BTC sustainable contract price is $11935.1, $17.7 higher than the spot price ($11917.40), the contract price keep premium status, the premium ($26.49) fell sharply yesterday; Long-short position ratio 2.43, is yesterday (2.33) rose slightly; Sustainable contract rate of 0.0001% of funds, funds rate by positive turn negative,

According to Hotcoin? Global (ReBi Global) latest announcement, its will be open on August 15, 2020 15:00 DeFi project assets DAI prepaid phone business, August 16, 15:00 open DAI/USDT trading, August 17, 15:00 open COINS,

DAI is one of the largest decentralized etheric lane on a stable currency, and management, which is developed by MakerDAO is decentralized financial infrastructure (DeFi), DAI fully mortgage-backed assets issued by chain, and the dollar remain 1:1 anchor, DAI=1 for a $1,

[quotation analysis]

Date line level after yesterday's breakthrough in high prices have been high reached record high last night, after nearly the etheric momentum is very fierce, the current prices near the rail k line in among, MACD red kinetic energy equal to run continuously, fast line in the up state, holds trend line KDJ three signs of RSI is spread in the 70 above three line operation, comprehensive, is long line is relatively strong, various measures have large variations in today's market volatility,

K line an hour the price has been near concussion run in 438, now can see from the chart, the kinetic energy of the MACD green's capacity to run continuously, KDJ three line downward diffusion, RSI translation at the bottom of the 70 at present, above shows that short-term long jumpers, above is a brief pressure, recommend low altitude, by midsummer kan currency exclusive planning, this paper focus on currency circle for a long time, analysis the currency, provide professional guidance, welcome to come to consult,

Operational Suggestions: 441-443 near bearish, target see continued to break the level near 432-427 423-417417-415 single, near near target at 430-434

Remarks: today is like swimming across the river, not fantasy experience long-term exercise their abilities, but need to life, and wise men crossing the river, known as risk, practice, and finally into, and KuaiZhe by external things, although itself does not have the ability to cross the river, but tact, river in wide, waves on the big, standing in the ship, the total risk is very small,

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