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The etheric fang is the dawn of trusted computing?


Proponents of the concept of business intelligence contracts Nick complained in his "the dawn of trusted computing" the article said:
"Trust minimize code means you only need to trust the code itself, does not need to trust the distance of any particular computer owners... "
The etheric fang has not been rolled out, the currency of block chain concept to make people believe that "trust machine" will make trust from trading intermediaries to code and the network, when the currency do after the chain of trust from both sides of the transaction, people began to explore the parties to the contract chain interaction method, Nick complained in the final of "trusted computing dawn" refer to the article mentioned the etheric fang) in white paper, expressed his for future etheric fang assume the expectation of trusted computing,

From now looking back, the etheric fang intelligent contracts, ICO boom and the DeFi boom, notting have is not the etheric behind the concept of intelligent contract value, programmable financial and disintermediated financial let block has the incomparable value chain, the etheric fang is the star in trusted computing, without a doubt; But as the dawn of the trusted computing, etheric fang also has the very big rise space,

Do not upgrade type intelligent
Etheric fang intelligent contract is famous for its flexibility, scripting system is different from the currency, Turing complete programming etheric fang contract theory can fit all scenarios, such a flexible contracts, however, restricted to the plight of cannot update, if you want to update the contents of the contract, on the etheric fang issue tokens, for example, is the most wise choice for developers to deploy a good scrip issue new contract, this is obviously unreasonable, because address transformation means the old contract invalid contract, if not well deal with the assets of the old and new contract mapping problem, for tokens, the owner is undoubtedly a significant economic losses,

Wisdom Chain learn the lesson of the etheric fang cannot upgrade contract, for the assets transaction, the rules defined in the given "happens" and so on after the transaction owner signature can raise the tokens of the rules, to help developers and operators under the necessary condition for the contract can issue tokens in order to adapt to different environment,

Wisdom, of course, the transaction Chain, not all functions can be upgraded, the flexibility of bloat the security of assets will seriously affect the Chain, such thinking as Wisdom Chain the basic idea, let the Wisdom has assets of more than the etheric fang security Chain,

Contracts are difficult to safely write
Etheric fang intelligent contracts to ensure that sufficient flexibility, for contract programming provides ample function for the call, and supported by complex logic to achieve "usually" contract (generally refers to a single contract) cannot achieve function, the birth of this flexibility is DeFi provide a hotbed of at the same time, also set the time bomb is DeFi, mot project have been on the etheric fang well-known DeFi programs, however, because the contract TotalSupply function in the loophole, lead to project evaporated overnight 99% of the funds, reliving the event, we can find that, mot complex logic leads to security audit to contract, and too flexible design that programmers can't timely find loopholes, eventually led to this farce,

One line of code that is caused by a farce

Wisdom Chain believe that contracts can sacrifice the so-called "unlimited" flexibility, in return for greater security, Chain blocks as trust machine, guarantee for the security of the assets on the Chain is the foundation and Wisdom Chain adopt the validation rule programming, all transactions in accordance with the validation logic rather than the etheric fang execution logic processing, and limit developers can invoke rules limit, let developers within the logical boundary controlled deployment class contracts logic, convenient the audit code if there is a loophole, avoid the etheric fang contract funds problem,

The writing of the high threshold
Etheric fang turing-complete type of programming language and EVM entry virtual machine, in addition to the programming flexibility, and ordinary people can't understand, high threshold of written contracts, want to safely in the etheric fang deployed on the contract, if there is no code can refer to, developers need to start from zero, from the transaction logic and data structure begin to write the content of a contract, this undoubtedly make intelligent contracts the geeks to create and use objects,

Pictured above is the etheric lane on a ERC - 20 tokens issued by part of the code, though only the ERC - 20 tokens, the beginning of a code, want to understand the contract, for the average person is still very difficult, if users of machines as ordinary people's trust, but not simple intuitive understanding to trust the machine's operation principle, want to get the trust will be like heaven,

Wisdom Chain validation rule programming in addition to security, has simple and readable, the characteristics of low threshold, want in Wisdom Chain to issue an asset (similar to the etheric fang on ERC - 20 tokens), developers will be invoked only "asset definition" the rule, perfect after all the values can be deployed to the Wisdom of the Chain block and issue a new assets in the Chain,

This simple structure not only provides the convenience for developers, also allows the user to easily understand the chain assets operation principle and relevant details, avoid the etheric fang intelligent contract cannot let ordinary users understand the principle of the embarrassing situation,


"... Trust minimize code means you only need to trust the code itself... "

Nick complained once such a definition of trusted computing, although the etheric fang did trust transfer, but he cannot make the code to be trusted, and the Wisdom of the Chain to verify programming opened a new era of trusted code, users can not only understand simple Chain operating principle, developers can easily deployed a safe and reliable intelligent contracts, etheric fang does not bring trusted computing dawn, but Wisdom Chain will be trusted computing dawn the phosphor, guide the direction for the entire industry,

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