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Binary search on a sorted list of E(startTime,endTime) to find all E's matched by a given time


I have Event objects as follows,

public class Event {
   String name;
   int startTime; // minutes since midnight, e.g 4:15am = 255
   int endTime;   // minutes since midnight, e.g.6:30am = 390
   //   getters/setters

They are sorted by startTime ASC,


Events can overlap in any way.

I need to obtain a List of all Events matching (incl. partially) a particular range t1,t2 (also ints for minutes since midnight).

List<Event> eventsMatching = findMatching(t1, t2); // e.g. between 200,205

I don't want to go through the whole list and check e.getStartTime() <= t1 && e.getEndTime() >= t2. Since the list is sorted, I should be able to use Collections.binarySearch() in some way. But normally, a binary search finds the exact object you're looking for: int position = Collections.binarySearch(events, key). Is there some way to find matching ranges quickly using a binary search?

CodePudding user response:

You need to check for all events that meet e.startTime <= t1.

record Event(String name, int startTime, int endTime) {}
List<Event> list = Arrays.asList(
    new Event("a", 2, 3), new Event("b", 3, 4),
    new Event("c", 0, 1), new Event("d", 4, 5));
System.out.println("sorted:   "   list);
int t1 = 2, t2 = 3;
List<Event> filtered = list.stream()
    .takeWhile(e -> e.startTime() <= t1)
    .peek(e -> System.out.println("checked:  "   e))
    .filter(e -> e.endTime() >= t2)
System.out.println("filtered: "   filtered);


sorted:   [Event[name=c, startTime=0, endTime=1], Event[name=a, startTime=2, endTime=3], Event[name=b, startTime=3, endTime=4], Event[name=d, startTime=4, endTime=5]]
checked:  Event[name=c, startTime=0, endTime=1]
checked:  Event[name=a, startTime=2, endTime=3]
filtered: [Event[name=a, startTime=2, endTime=3]]

CodePudding user response:

Binary search will not help you much, because you're not searching for a single equality-based match, but rather a range or results that can be ordered, but not in a way that's much help to quickly finding matches.

Unless you're dealing with a great many range elements, a linear (ie O(n)) process would work OK.

To speed things up, sort by start date beforehand: Then your iteration over the list would be able to exit early when you encounter an element whose start date to after the target.

CodePudding user response:

You should browse the list and stop when an item is not in range. In terms of complexity, it's the best you can do.

CodePudding user response:

The TreeSet class is an example of a collection that explicitly supports efficient range operators. Because you are searching on two separate ranges (for start and end times) you would likely need 2 sets of events.

TreeSet<Event> startSort = new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparing(Event::getStart));
TreeSet<Event> endSort = new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparing(Event::getStart));

Find the events in a given range using headSet, tailSet and subSet. Finding sets of events that satisfy two conditions through finding the intersection of two sets.

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