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Gavibc digital trading platform: block chain technology to solve the information island of the suppl


Gavibc digital trading platform: block chain technology to solve the information island of the supply chain finance business
Small micro enterprise financing difficulties of "their" is a question of collateral, and within the supply chain finance can rely on the supply chain core enterprise credit, break the past rely on real estate mortgage, can provide the guarantee financing on the basis of current assets, solve the problem of the small micro enterprise in the supply chain financing, financial services become in recent years widely touted small micro one way,

Held on May 19, in fuzhou peak BBS "2019 China supply chain", the office of special researcher of the State Council, the CPPCC economic committee, former vice chairman of the circ Zhou Yanli, supply chain finance can use block chain distributed books, is helpful to solve the problem of information island in supply chain finance business, risk control system can be way to trade in the process of industry supply chain and the conduct of the parties, integrate the related transaction data form online contract, payment, documents such as a complete record, to confirm the authenticity of trade practices, provide credible trade scenarios, tamper-resistant and data block chain traceability technology characteristics, can solve the problem of multistage supplier's credit,

Zhou Yanli believes that to do risk assessment data can be converted to digital credit analysis and pricing, it is the key to the supply chain of financial innovation, by doing portraits of small micro enterprise or business operators operating conditions, form a three-dimensional system of risk control, solves the problem of risk control, many new financial institutions are through financial fu can science and technology, the enterprise digital into credit assets, in order to overcome the insufficiency of traditional supply chain finance, finally through pratt &whitney financing difficulties,

And he warned should pay attention to three aspects of financial potential supply chain risk,

First of all, the credit of the foundations of supply chain finance is based on supply chain management level and the management of the core enterprise and credit strength, therefore, as the financing tool up downstream extension, a corresponding spread risk, if a member appeared in the supply chain financing problems, the effects would quickly spread to the whole supply chain, the core enterprise as the biggest beneficiaries of the supply chain will be affected by the largest,

Secondly, due to the supply chain financing to provide diversified services, and the needs of the customers are also different, therefore, Banks need to be tailored according to different customer specific information of financial services, in the process of supply chain finance and service, hope to be able to increase sales, the company sales department decision-making departments to ensure cash flow velocity, the management wants to ensure the safety of funds, bank in expanding the scope of the supply chain finance operation, provide various services in the process of natural magnified by a variety of risks,

Finally, the small and medium-sized enterprises in the purchase, production, sales, etc., may be the bank take the behavior of false or inaccurate information, so that Banks can't get the real data, difficult to effectively adopt corresponding management measures, to reduce fund use risk; The host or the bank of supply chain finance may not be able to independently accomplish the investigation and analysis on the relevant data to all supply chain enterprise, also it will be difficult to use their professional advantage industry development prospects of the enterprise comprehensive, accurate judgment, and so cannot be accurately understand the whole situation of the supply chain, which would make it not according to the decision making and management of supply chain members, adjust the corresponding credit or service plan,

Zhou Yanli said above to guard against some risk, requires Banks and other financial institutions in the development of supply chain finance business, pay attention to risk management,

It is should establish a set of evaluation index system of early warning, when more than one index deviation from normal levels and more than the critical value must be a warning signals, increase the elasticity of capital operation, to ensure that the goal of effective supply chain cycle, credit model is set up and the database at the same time, the relationship between the parties of the supply chain set up credit value, ratings, credit, logistics for examination and assessment of qualifications, and associated customer mutual supervision management method, change static assessment for dynamic assessment in the past,

2 it is to choose the iron and steel, automobile, petrochemical, electric power, telecommunications and other relatively complete industry chain, industry order is good, high degree of cooperation with the bank of the basic conditions for good business chain, guide the core enterprise in the process of selecting the members of the enterprise, the credit evaluation as an important standard, join for each enterprise to carry on the strict screening,

Third, we need in the product and service design, from the perspective of the core enterprise, with the aid of core enterprise outward radiation, throughout the entire supply chain upstream and downstream enterprises, such as the upper reaches of the raw material suppliers mainly develops the pledge of accounts receivable financing, factoring, and other products, mainly provide personal property to the downstream dealers and warehouse receipt pledge, woven network supply chain financing, embody "transverse to the edge, vertical to the end" of the deep service,

Four to the logistics, information flow and cash flow are closed operation, supply chain finance should choose a strong powerful logistics company, logistics companies can provide information for the supply chain, such as warehousing and logistics services, help the bank to monitor logistics and enterprise movables, achieve the goal of bank control rights, in addition, can conclude the contract to maintain cooperation relationship between equal benefit main body, the mandatory implementation of the supply chain operation rules, at the same time will to contract deal outside the original affiliate transaction between enterprises, try to avoid friction and improve the efficiency of supply chain operations,

At present, the supply chain is still in the initial stage of development of financial services, financial institutions and enterprises cooperation efficiency is relatively low, mainly credit information opaque, even though the supply chain finance has developed for many years, but financial institutions to small micro enterprise supply chain financial products is still very limited, Zhou Yanli believes that as countries of supportive policies rolled out, more and more financial institutions to the financing of the supply chain as a new service small micro enterprises, actively carry out financial innovation, and other forms of supply chain operations, through financial technology assignment, break the information asymmetry, use digital credit, for small micro enterprise in the supply chain to provide efficient, low cost, risk controllable pratt & financial services,
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