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Gavibc: about block chain strategic value of the three core ideas


Gavibc: three core ideas about block chain strategic values
1. Block chain technology is not limited to create value through decentralization
Existing institutions and multilateral trade through block chain benefit to decrease the complexity of transactions and lower transaction costs, at the same time promote the transparency of transactions and the regulation of fraud, profit-driven enterprises use block chain, we can judge, in the short term is most likely not be successful business model chain, but licensing chain or private chain, such as COINS and chain was regarded as a completely decentralized disruptors, the existing centralized pattern formed the challenges and threats; Private chain run on a private network, and has the authority to access and edit,
Regardless of the enterprise size, can be obtained through private chain or licensing chain commercial value, the dominant enterprise can maintain their position of centralized authority, or and other companies to get together and share the profits, participants can benefit from Shared data safety, of course, sharing what data, share with who, when they share are controlled, for all of the company, can undertake small-scale test first, then gradually expand the scale, licensing chain/private chain can make a different value proposition, the existing application portfolio includes the Australian stock exchange, the exchange to decorate a block chain system is used for liquidation stock, reduce the background check work, IBM and the world's largest shipping company Maersk Line is to set up a joint venture company, and establish a chain block trade platform, the platform for global trade deal is the purpose of the user and the participants to provide a safe and timely exchange of data and the contract of supply chain, 2. In the short term, the value of block chain is reduce cost
Block chain become the new business model has great potential, it can solve the first problem is to improve the operating efficiency, through the decrease of the intermediate links in the existing process, can effectively reduce the cost in the existing process, this model can reduce the loss of income and block chain services to create new revenue to change the value stream, through our application of more than 90 cases of financial quantitative analysis, we estimate the value of block chain in the short term about 70% comes from lower costs, followed by revenue and capital reduction,
Some natural is suitable for industry application block chain solutions, such as financial services, government agencies and health care, financial services at the core of the function is to validate and financial information and the transfer of assets, and this block may pass the value chain features highly match, the current main weaknesses, especially cross-border payments and financial and trade, can be applied based on the solution of block chain, mainly is to reduce many of the necessary number of intermediaries, and can be hidden location, in the capital market and settlement of accounts and generating regulation report link can further reduce the cost, the possibility has been validated by the practice, about 90% of Australia, or investment Banks in Europe and North America have experiment block chain,
And Banks, the government's key records and verify the function also can be done by block chain technology, thereby saving a lot of administrative costs, public data are often isolated and opaque, block chain can record processing, all kinds of data, from the birth certificate to the tax based on the intelligence of block chain contracts can simplify administration and interactive process, at the same time improve the safety of data, the application of many public sector, based on the identity of the record block chain, for example, will also be a wider range of economic applications and auxiliary solution, more than 25 government is supporting the start-up block chain pilot projects actively,
In health care, block chain may become suppliers, patients, insurance companies and researchers key, data acquisition and data exchange between the value of medical records based on the block chain can not only improve the efficiency of management, also makes it possible for researchers to patient identity information of medical history data sets, it is very important to medical research, intelligent contract allows patients to better control their own data, even can commercialise data access, for example, the patient can charge fees from the pharmaceutical companies, let them in the study of drug access or use of their data, block chain is combined with a iot sensor, in order to ensure that drug, blood and organs in the whole cold chain environment,
With the passage of time, the block chain value will reduce the cost to new business models and generate income for the enterprise cash flow, one of the most potential and transformative application case is to create a distributed, the security of the digital recognition system, applies to identify consumer identity, can also be applied to help enterprises to form a clearer cognition, to the customer to provide the corresponding services, however, due to various restrictions, the new business model will be a more long-term vision, 3. Block chain of large-scale applications may need three to five years time
Only in a commercially viable solution to large-scale applications, block chain strategic value can be realized, our analysis assessed the concrete application of more than 90 items, which summarizes the four we think block chain application feasibility of the key factors in various fields: standards and regulations, technical maturity, asset types and build ecological system, even though many companies have in the test, but due to a few key reasons, we determine to achieve the development of large-scale and three to five years time,
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