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[the money] share trading mentality, mentality decided to invest in the success


[the money] share trading mentality, mentality decided to invest in the success of

Who sow in tears, will not necessarily harvest, smiling may also needn, life's biggest sorrow, is to give you wings, but don't let you fly, trade's biggest sorrow, is your target market, so that he didn't dare to do, victory is not over the market, but to learn to improve oneself, not scholars, though, the ear is the walking dead, if you always want to rich, you will fell to a pulp, investment the most precious quality of crude oil is not greasy, not forecast, not self-righteous, not wise, to give up yourself, follow the market's footsteps,
A, light look at breakeven

Profit and loss is a roller coaster ride, have peak, also have low, this means that, no matter it is good or bad, is only temporary, who does not false, who does not fickle, who are not who's who, why put some earn earn kui kui look so important!

Market is a big stage, can not all prices, people are need some faith to incentives and constraints, quiet and Ann, Ann and then can decide, fluctuations in the past, after the no smile, is beautiful; Game of success or failure, smile after harvest, only much appearance; Rise and fall of the capital, after the double smile, just wonderful!

Don't fancy each trade festive, profit and loss to balance, and also need to feel, to invest in the city, like to travel, always on the road in a hurry, with so much confusion and uncertainty, just calm down and to tone down in front of cloud; Taste a cup of green tea, quietly will find there are a lot of opportunity is just around the corner,
Second, control your emotions

Many people's biggest sorrow, is lost ground to walk on the road, can't see in front of hope; Certainly is the most bad habits, and in the light of, don't know the direction of the real investment, when you can control your emotions, you are elegant; When you can control your own state of mind, you will be successful,

Don't always think the market failed to live up to you, in this market, no one live easier than who trade simple and attractive; Many prices are so often, when you chase it, it will run fast; Traveling when you slam the door on the surface of your thoughts, for the sake of the strategy, in order to plan, focus on working with each wave of market, it can easily get some profit,

Investment is a long way, you must learn to cool, the market of technology and the news is full of contradictions, often need to talk less to listen more, exert oneself to do STH. No matter how are you today, tomorrow the leaves will float down and market the impermanence, impermanence is the norm of the capital market, to learn to get accustomed to adapt to this uncertainty, the K line up and down in the clock "tick" sound rapid passage,

You are not a superman, you will be tired, you will be painful, you will cry, you will be sad, you will be helpless, you will be powerless, but, you must understand this yourself, don't be too demanding, more can't compromise easily, some hard, in a planned way, step by step to do the deal, live out their own nature, believe that there will always be a gust of wind, blowing away all the worries, multiple people are destined to live hard, because it's too easy to bring the mood of the market,

Meditation view water, cool detachment see world, the investment is not a backwater, occasionally there will be some trouble, all the way scenery song all the way, the market is so so, it constantly to send gift to your hands, and don't accept on your own, of course, also not leaning, always waiting for the opportunity, will lose the opportunity to
Three, attitude optimistic

Mentality decided the suffering and joy, concept decides the success and failure, life is simple, and the deal is more quiet, many times, but you would rather be killed, contrarian to soul-searching, a drop of ink, can be dirty a glass of water, difficult to turbid a river, because the heart can hold; In a word, can destroy a temporary mood, but difficult to decide one's life, because the fate in their own hands; An accident, can let heavy and difficult to dissolve in persistent pursuit of "alive" in the market because of you, because of the strong, so the road in the front, don't stop,
Author hold COINS, etheric lane and other encryption monetary investment position, but not to participate in short-term or intra-day trading, all views are the personal opinions and does not constitute investment advice,
The content of the information and data from publicly available information, strive for accurate, reliable and fast changing market, real-time operation will be subject to intraday,

Here today, in the hope that we can learn more knowledge here,

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