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How to get count of items in rows as well as check one item is present or not, and finally keep the


Suppose I have a data frame as follows:

 df = pd.DataFrame({
        'Column A': [12,12,12, 13, 15, 16, 141, 141, 141, 141],
         'Column B':['Apple' ,'Apple' ,'Orange' ,'Apple' , np.nan, 'Orange', 'Apple', np.nan, 'Apple', 'Apple']}) 

Based on these conditions:

  • If values in column A are repeated then count the word 'Orange' in Column B and paste it in new Column C(For example, there are 3 rows for 12, the count of 'Orange' is 1, and this 1 should be in new column C). For the non-repeat rows, just paste the corresponding values.

  • If values in column A are repeated then count the word 'Apple' in Column B and paste it in new Column D(For example, there are 3 rows for 12, the count of 'Apple' is 2, and this 2 should be in new column D). For the non-repeat rows, just paste the corresponding values.

  • For repeated and non-repeated rows due to Column A, If the word 'Orange' is present in Column B, write 'yes' else 'No' in Column E.

I would like to have an output following. I was trying in python jupyter notebook, can anyone please help me to get an output like this:

      | Column A | Column B |Column C |Column D |Column E 
----- | -------- | ---------|---------|---------|---------
 0    | 12       | Apple    |1        |2        |Yes   
 1    | 13       | Apple    |0        |1        |No 
 2    | 15       | NaN      |NaN      |NaN      |NaN     
 3    | 16       | Orange   |1        |0        |Yes      
 4    | 141      | Apple    |0        |3        |No   

Thanks in advance:)

CodePudding user response:

I think there is no powerful and simple solution for your question, but use the following code.

First, define a function count(x, a) which returns nan if x includes nan, the number of occurence of a in x, otherwise. The function will be used for the apply function.

Then, use groupby and apply list function.

temp = df.copy().groupby('Column A')['Column B'].apply(list)

After that, temp becomes

Column A
12         [Apple, Apple, Orange]
13                        [Apple]
15                          [nan]
16                       [Orange]
141    [Apple, nan, Apple, Apple]
Name: Column B, dtype: object

So, based on the temp, we can count the number of apples and oranges.

Since df has duplicates, I removed them and add new columns (Column C, D, and E).

df.drop_duplicates(subset = ['Column A'], keep = "first", inplace = True)
df['Column C'] = temp.apply(count, a = "Orange").values
df['Column D'] = temp.apply(count, a = "Apple").values
df['Column E'] = df['Column D'].apply(lambda x:1 if x>=1 else 0)


I am sorry. I missed the function count..

def count(x, a):
    if type(x[0]) == float:
        return np.nan
        return x.count(a)
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