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Angular web-app microphone switching causes error `NotReadableError: Concurrent mic process limit`


I am trying to implement a microphone switch feature where, whilst being on a live call on the browser, i am able to replace my current in-use microphone with a new one.

After selecting the new microphone I want to change to, I receive a NotReadableError: Concurrent mic process limit. error message. This error message is only replicable on firefox, on chromium browsers no error is shown however the issue of not being able to switch to another microphones persists anyway.

This is because the previous device isnt being deactivated/destroyed before adding the new device, this is visible from the permission icons here:

enter image description here

The old microphone is still active and thus when permitting the new device i receive the concurrent mic process limit error.

I am using replaceTrack() to swap to the new selected device, and the below function runs when selecting a new microphone to activate to.

async onMicrophoneSelected(event: any) {

// selectedDeviceId holds the deviceId of the microphone i want to switch to

        const selectedDeviceId = event?.value;

        var newAudioTrack;
        var constraints;
        var mediaStream: MediaStream;
        var audioTrack: MediaStreamTrack;

// Looping through all available devices here 

        await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices().then((res) => {
            res.forEach((device) => {

                // Here checking if the available device is an audioinput and if its id matches the one which we want to swap to.

                if (device.kind === 'audioinput' && device.deviceId === selectedDeviceId) {
                    newAudioTrack = device;

                    // constraints specified here with new deviceId of microphone

                    constraints = {
                        video: { facingMode: 'user' },
                        audio: { deviceId: { exact: newAudioTrack['deviceId'] } },


        // Passing constraints into mediaStream

        mediaStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints);
        audioTrack = mediaStream.getVideoTracks()[0];

        // Custom replaceTrack() function here 

            .then(() => {
                this.hasAudioDevices = true;

How can I completely deactivate the previous microphone / camera before switching to the new set of microphone and camera permissions ?

CodePudding user response:

As you already mentioned this is a limitation in Firefox which is currently being worked on.

enter image description here

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